measures MyPause cutCopy enterPage resetAnim DoYields keyDown enterPage resetAnim Track Sheet Trax provides graphic display and editing of your music. label VNMyPause krmeasures PcutCopy autoTurnPage bookPath MyPause yieldApp PauseTicksTimesTen DoYields yieldApp Yields measures The Song Editor displays measures for each track. label VNMyPause traxdemo.exe almonds.mts /p /n /e /o VNMyPause bookPath cutCopy label text1 selectedMeasures VNMyPause text2 VNMyPause text3 kDoYields selectedMeasures selectedMeasures VNMyPause selectedMeasures pastedMeasures VNMyPause selectedMeasures kDoYields autoTurnPage resetAnim label label yieldApp text1 text2 text3 yieldApp pastedMeasures yieldApp keyDown resetAnim stop mid tbkMCI close mid tbkMCI Jukebox isCtrl isShift BlankPage BlankPage MyNextPage MyNextPage ianoRoll MyPause editNotes enterPage stepEdit DoYields resetAnim pianoRoll keyDown enterPage yieldApp resetAnim pianoRoll editNotes ostepEdit kDoYields autoTurnPage MyPause yieldApp PauseTicksTimesTen DoYields yieldApp Yields pianoRoll Trax displays notes on a piano roll. label VNMyPause arrow arrow kDoYields Trax is like a player piano. label VNMyPause arrow kDoYields arrow editNotes You can edit individual notes or groups of notes. label VNMyPause 0,100,0 0,100,0 VNMyPause VNMyPause stepEdit You can step input notes using the mouse or MIDI keyboard. label VNMyPause VNMyPause VNMyPause yieldApp Track Sheet autoTurnPage TraxEnd resetAnim label yieldApp yieldApp 0,0,0 0,0,0 yieldApp keyDown resetAnim Jukebox isCtrl isShift MT Pro Pitch Bend smpte smpte :PHYSSIZE label 30FramesSecRadioHilite arrow1 externalRadioHilite coverHour coverMin coverSec coverFrame newHour newMin newSec newFrame :PHYSSIZE :PHYSSIZE :PHYSSIZE b :PHYSSIZE :PHYSSIZE :PHYSSIZE :PHYSSIZE :PHYSSIZE :PHYSSIZE :PHYSSIZE :PHYSSIZE :PHYSSIZE :PHYSSIZE :PHYSSIZE 22222 avePage enterPage leavePage leavePage AboutText waveFile tbkMCI kDoYields close waveFile tbkMCI kDoYields WaveFile WaveOpen enterPage Passport Designs produces music software for multimedia. Our Windows 3.0 products include Trax, the popular MIDI sequencer for musical composition (retail price $99), Master Tracks Pro, the professional MIDI sequencer for serious musicians and multimedia developers (retail price $395), and Music Data, pre-recorded MIDI files that can be used as clip music for multimedia. Press the Jukebox button to learn more: aboutText AllowClick AllowClick sysex OpeningPage :PHYSSIZE buttonUp buttonUp This PC should meet Microsoft's level one multimedia specification. (It must have a sound/MIDI card such as Sound Blaster, Pro AudioSpectrum, or MPU-401). You can listen to the music via the sound card or an external MIDI synthesizer such as a Roland MT-32 or GS General MIDI synthesizer. Use the MIDI Mapper in the control Panel to setup for your MIDI/audio system. aboutText 's level one multimedia specification. (It must have a sound/MIDI card such as Sound Blaster, Pro AudioSpectrum, or MPU-401). You can listen to the music via the sound card or an external MIDI synthesizer such as a Roland MT-32 or GS General MIDI synthesizer. Use the MIDI Mapper in the control Panel to setup for your MIDI/audio system. aboutText Hardware Requirements buttonUp buttonUp Passport Designs produces music software for multimedia. Our Windows 3.0 products include Trax, the popular MIDI sequencer for musical composition (retail price $99), Master Tracks Pro, the professional MIDI sequencer for serious musicians and multimedia developers (retail price $395), and Music Data, pre-recorded MIDI files that can be used as clip music for multimedia. Press the Jukebox button to learn more: aboutText ltimedia. Our Windows 3.0 products include Trax, the popular MIDI sequencer for musical composition (retail price $99), Master Tracks Pro, the professional MIDI sequencer for serious musicians and multimedia developers (retail price $395), and Music Data, pre-recorded MIDI files that can be used as clip music for multimedia. Press the Jukebox button to learn more: aboutText About Passport Designs buttonUp buttonUp This demo was produced by Stratos Systems for Passport Designs. Copyright 1991 Passport Designs, Inc. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED aboutText as produced by Stratos Systems for Passport Designs. Copyright 1991 Passport Designs, Inc. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED aboutText About This Demo buttonUp buttonUp AllowClick AllowClick buttonUp buttonUp JukeBox AllowClick JukeBox AllowClick Jukebox AboutText shield buttonUp buttonUp shield :PHYSSIZE :PHYSSIZE Passport Designs, Inc 625 Miramontes Street Half Moon Bay, CA 94019 Phone: (415) 726-0280 Passport Designs produces music software for multimedia. Our Windows 3.0 products include Trax, the popular MIDI sequencer for musical composition (retail price $99), Master Tracks Pro, the professional MIDI sequencer for serious musicians and multimedia developers (retail price $395), and Music Data, pre-recorded MIDI files that can be used as clip music for multimedia. Press the Jukebox button to learn more: playMidiBook enterBook tbkMMNotify getPath PlayMidiWithTrax keyDown author MyPause leaveBook YieldPause reader DoYields CheckErrors enterBook tbkmm.sbk tbkwin.dll yieldApp k:getPath bells2.wav Type waveaudio shareable tbkMCI tbkMCI waveFile midiFile midiFileLoc bookPath FirstTime WaveOpen leaveBook stop mid tbkMCI close mid tbkMCI tbkwin.dll midiFileLoc midiFile getPath strLength rawPath bookPath author autoturnpage reader autoturnpage playMidiBook status mid position tbkMCI status mid position tbkMCI stop mid tbkMCI yieldApp close mid tbkMCI yieldApp VNMyPause PlayMidiWithTrax midiFileOld s_length interrupt tbkMMNotify close mid tbkMCI stopMid interrupt PlayMidiWithTrax traxdemo.exe /p /n /e /o rootFile strLength bookPath midiFile keyDown isControl isShift MyPause yieldApp PauseTicksTimesTen YieldPause yieldApp PauseTicks DoYields yieldApp Yields CheckErrors tbkMMErrorString songButtonReset playMidi leavePage tbkMMNotify stopJukeBox enterPage enterPage stopMid midiFile AllowClick leavePage About Box About Box buttonReset songButtonReset songButtonDown midiFile buttonName midiFileOld s_nextBtn stopMid songButtonReset 0,0,0 songButtonDown playMidi status mid position tbkMCI status mid position tbkMCI status mid position tbkMCI stop mid tbkMCI YieldPause close MID tbkMCI YieldPause type sequencer alias mid tbkMCI kDoYields tbkMMErrorString MIDI Open Error: Check the MIDI Mapper setup. set mid time format milliseconds tbkMCI YieldPause status mid length tbkMCI YieldPause MIDI setup error. Check the MIDI Mapper. play mid from 0 to tbkMCI kDoYields tbkMMErrorString MIDI Play Error: Check the MIDI Mapper setup. xxpos midiFile midiFileLoc midiFileOld s_length interrupt stopmid tbkMMNotify close mid tbkMCI songButtonReset buttonUp s_nextBtn stopMid interrupt stopJukeBox buttonReset songButtonReset stop mid tbkMCI close mid tbkMCI songButtonDown midiFile buttonName midiFileOld s_nextBtn stopMid AllowClick :PHYSSIZE note1 note2 note3 note4 note5 note6 note7 note8 note9 note10 note11 note12 note13 note14 label arrow note20 note21 note22 note23 note24 note25 note26 note27 note28 note29 YieldPause writeTheText MyPause enterPage resetAnim keyDown enterPage resetAnim smpte label Master Tracks Pro's Sysex Feature allows you to send and receive synthesizer patches to and from your MIDI instruments. VNMyPause qAwriteTheText VNMyPause autoTurnPage whichPass MyPause yieldApp PauseTicksTimesTen YieldPause yieldApp PauseTicks writeTheText arrow1 arrow1 VNMyPause coverFilename newFilename newFilename newFilename VNMyPause newFilename newFilename newFilename YieldPause newFilename newFilename VNMyPause arrow1 VNMyPause arrow1 arrow1 coverMemo newMemo newMemo newMemo YieldPause newMemo newMemo newMemo VNMyPause newMemo newMemo newMemo newMemo YieldPause newMemo newMemo newMemo VNMyPause newMemo newMemo newMemo newMemo VNMyPause newMemo newMemo newMemo YieldPause newMemo newMemo newMemo VNMyPause yieldApp MT Pro autoTurnPage whichPass resetAnim label sysex arrow1 sysex yieldApp coverFilename sysex coverMemo sysex newFilename sysex newMemo sysex keyDown resetAnim jukebox whichPass isCtrl isShift terPage smpteAnimate MyPause resetAnim enterPage keyDown enterPage resetAnim Pitch Bend Synchronize your music to film, video, multi-media presentations or multi-track audio tape. label VNMyPause smpteAnimate VNMyPause autoTurnPage MyPause yieldApp PauseTicksTimesTen smpteAnimate arrow1 arrow1 externalRadioHilite VNMyPause arrow1 arrow1 arrow1 30FramesSecRadioHilite VNMyPause arrow1 arrow1 arrow1 coverHour newHour VNMyPause arrow1 arrow1 arrow1 coverMin newMin VNMyPause arrow1 arrow1 arrow1 coverSec newSec VNMyPause arrow1 arrow1 arrow1 coverFrame newFrame VNMyPause arrow1 yiledApp Sysex autoTurnPage resetAnim label smpte arrow1 smpte externalRadioHilite smpte 30FramesSecRadioHilite smpte yieldApp coverHour smpte coverMin smpte coverSec smpte coverFrame smpte yieldApp newHour smpte newMin smpte newSec smpte newFrame smpte keyDown resetAnim isCtrl isShift splash creen terPage YieldPause enterPage keyDown enterPage resetAnim Track Sheet YieldPause MT Pro YieldPause Track Sheet secondSplash autoTurnPage YieldPause yieldApp PauseTicks keyDown Jukebox isCtrl isShift YieldPause MT Pro YieldPause Track Sheet secondSplash autoTurnPage YieldPause yieldApp PauseTicks keyDown Jukebox isCtrl isShift :PHYSSIZE Label Master Tracks Pro Professional MIDI Sequencer buttonUp buttonReset buttonUp getFreeSpace getFreeSpace Not enough free memory to run animation demo. A 3 mb or larger system is required to run the animation. buttonReset About Box About Box stopJukeBox 0,50,100 Trax MIDI Sequencer label splash passport.mid PlayMidiBook splash kernel midiFileOld traxEnd autoTurnPage songButtonDown buttonName whichPass secondSplash midiFile buttonReset 0,0,0 splash sysex :PHYSSIZE label coverFilename coverMemo newFilename newMemo arrow1 MT Pro :PHYSSIZE label enterPage individual volume DoYields leavePage transport WipeToSong MyPause resetAnim sixtyFour buttonUp keyDown enterPage label transport sixtyFour individual volume WipeToSong Trax is the perfect MIDI sequencer for... label VNMyPause desktop multimedia or getting started with MIDI. label traxdemo.exe canyon3.mts /p /n /e /o VNMyPause autoTurnPage TraxEnd bookPath MyPause yieldApp PauseTicksTimesTen DoYields yieldApp Yields transport kDoYields Trax is a multitrack MIDI recorder. It functions like a tape recorder. label VNMyPause yieldApp record VNMyPause record VNMyPause rewind VNMyPause rewind pause VNMyPause pause yieldApp yieldApp sixtyFour arrow1 arrow1 Trax is a 64 track MIDI sequencer. label VNMyPause You can compose an entire symphony if you want to. label VNMyPause arrow1 individual arrow1 arrow1 You can record individual tracks while others play back. label VNMyPause recCircle record VNMyPause You can solo individual tracks during playback to isolate instruments. label VNMyPause record recCircle muteDiamond1 muteDiamond2 muteDiamond3 muteDiamond4 VNMyPause muteDiamond1 muteDiamond1 muteDiamond2 muteDiamond3 muteDiamond4 You can assign each track to a different instrument. label arrow1 arrow1 VNMyPause arrow1 volume arrow1 arrow1 You can mix volume for each track in real time. label VNMyPause yieldApp yieldApp yieldApp yieldApp vol11 yieldApp leavePage label yieldApp resetAnim yieldApp Master Tracks Pro Professional MIDI Sequencer label Splash yieldApp Splash autoTurnPage TraxEnd whichPass secondSplash WipeToSong yieldApp yieldApp resetAnim arrow1 Track Sheet arrow1 Track Sheet yieldApp Track Sheet Track Sheet Track Sheet yieldApp Track Sheet Track Sheet Track Sheet yieldApp Track Sheet Track Sheet Track Sheet yieldApp vol10 Track Sheet vol11 Track Sheet yieldApp buttonUp Jukebox keyDown resetAnim stop mid tbkMCI close mid tbkMCI Jukebox isCtrl isShift System "d:\tbkmm\ .sbk"&","&"d:\ mmwidget. 4waveFile,midiFile "d:\mwindows\mmdata\bells2. "Opening Page" tbkWaveAudio(" " && a && "Type waveaudio","") /play" && && "notify", -4,-4,644,484 tbkMMnotify stop" && close" && terBook tbkMMnotify enterBook leaveBook enterBook d:\tbkmm\tbkmm.sbk d:\tbkmm\mmwidget.tbk d:\mwindows\mmdata\bells2.wav Opening Page Type waveaudio tbkWaveAudio notify tbkWaveAudio waveFile midiFile tbkMMnotify tbkWaveAudio waveFile leaveBook close tbkWaveAudio waveFile ssport Designs fD|D|% fD|D|% Music and Sound for Multimedia fD|D|% s Rmn gD|D| s Rmn gD|D| \D|D| Tms Rmn gD|D|u r s Rmn gD|D| r s Rmn gD|D|u gD|D| waveFile midiFile midiFileLoc leaveBook close tbkMidi close tbkWaveAudio waveFile midiFileLoc midiFile author reader \D|D| \D|D| \D|D| reader `L^0AIx Jukebox :PHYSSIZE buttonUp buttonUp stopJukebox songButtonReset stopJukebox buttonUp buttonUp stopJukebox * Stop the Jukebox * Passport buttonUp buttonUp passport.mid songButtonReset 0,50,100 Someband hplayMidi songButtonDown midiFile midiFileLoc midiFileOld s_nextBtn passport.mid songButtonReset 0,50,100 Someband hplayMidi songButtonDown midiFile midiFileLoc midiFileOld s_nextBtn Passport buttonUp buttonReset buttonUp About Box About Box buttonReset 0,50,100 About Passport About Box buttonName buttonReset 0,0,0 buttonReset 0,50,100 About Passport About Box buttonName buttonReset 0,0,0 About Passport buttonUp buttonReset buttonUp About Box About Box buttonReset 0,50,100 About Trax About Box buttonName buttonReset 0,0,0 About Box buttonReset 0,50,100 About Trax About Box buttonName buttonReset 0,0,0 About Trax Trax/Pro Demo buttonUp buttonReset buttonUp About Box About Box buttonReset 0,50,100 Music Data About Box buttonName buttonReset 0,0,0 buttonReset 0,50,100 Music Data About Box buttonName buttonReset 0,0,0 About Music Data buttonUp buttonReset buttonUp About Box About Box buttonReset 0,50,100 About Demo About Box About Box About Box buttonName buttonReset 0,0,0 buttonReset 0,50,100 About Demo About Box About Box About Box buttonName buttonReset 0,0,0 About This Demo buttonUp buttonUp stop mid tbkMidi close mid tbkMIDI OpeningPage stopMid midiFile AllowClick stop mid tbkMidi close mid tbkMIDI OpeningPage stopMid midiFile AllowClick buttonUp buttonUp songButtonReset stop mid tbkMCI close mid tbkMCI traxdemo.exe strLength rootFile runTraxCommand songButtonDown midiFile bookPath stopMid songButtonReset stop mid tbkMCI close mid tbkMCI traxdemo.exe strLength rootFile runTraxCommand songButtonDown midiFile bookPath stopMid Run Trax Metal buttonUp buttonUp METBLAST.MID songButtonReset 0,50,100 Stomp hplayMidi songButtonDown midiFile midiFileLoc midiFileOld s_nextBtn METBLAST.MID songButtonReset 0,50,100 Stomp hplayMidi songButtonDown midiFile midiFileLoc midiFileOld s_nextBtn Rockin' Canyon buttonUp buttonUp canyon.mid songButtonReset 0,50,100 s_nextBtn Almonds hplayMidi songButtonDown midiFile midiFileLoc midiFileOld s_nextbtn canyon.mid songButtonReset 0,50,100 s_nextBtn Almonds hplayMidi songButtonDown midiFile midiFileLoc midiFileOld s_nextbtn Canyon Music Stomp buttonUp buttonUp stomp.mid songButtonReset 0,50,100 s_nextBtn Four Seasons hplayMidi songButtonDown midiFile midiFileLoc midiFileOld s_nextbtn stomp.mid songButtonReset 0,50,100 s_nextBtn Four Seasons hplayMidi songButtonDown midiFile midiFileLoc midiFileOld s_nextbtn King George's Stomp Dreamy buttonUp buttonUp dreamy.mid songButtonReset 0,50,100 s_nextBtn Metal hplayMidi songButtonDown midiFile midiFileLoc midiFileOld s_nextbtn dreamy.mid songButtonReset 0,50,100 s_nextBtn Metal hplayMidi songButtonDown midiFile midiFileLoc midiFileOld s_nextbtn Dreamy Someband buttonUp buttonUp someband.mid songButtonReset 0,50,100 s_nextBtn Canyon hplayMidi songButtonDown midiFile midiFileLoc midiFileOld s_nextbtn someband.mid songButtonReset 0,50,100 s_nextBtn Canyon hplayMidi songButtonDown midiFile midiFileLoc midiFileOld s_nextbtn Someone's Band Almonds buttonUp buttonUp ALMONDS.MID songButtonReset 0,50,100 s_nextBtn Dreamy hplayMidi songButtonDown midiFile midiFileLoc midiFileOld s_nextbtn ALMONDS.MID songButtonReset 0,50,100 s_nextBtn Dreamy hplayMidi songButtonDown midiFile midiFileLoc midiFileOld s_nextbtn Almonds Brandenburg buttonUp buttonUp brndnbrg.mid songButtonReset 0,50,100 s_nextBtn hplayMidi songButtonDown midiFile midiFileLoc midiFileOld s_nextbtn brndnbrg.mid songButtonReset 0,50,100 s_nextBtn hplayMidi songButtonDown midiFile midiFileLoc midiFileOld s_nextbtn Brandenburg buttonUp buttonReset buttonUp About Box About Box buttonReset 0,50,100 MT Pro About Box buttonName buttonReset 0,0,0 buttonReset 0,50,100 MT Pro About Box buttonName buttonReset 0,0,0 About Pro Four Seasons buttonUp buttonUp seasons.mid songButtonReset 0,50,100 s_nextBtn Brandenburg hplayMidi songButtonDown midiFile midiFileLoc midiFileOld s_nextbtn seasons.mid songButtonReset 0,50,100 s_nextBtn Brandenburg hplayMidi songButtonDown midiFile midiFileLoc midiFileOld s_nextbtn Four Seasons buttonUp buttonUp About Box About Box buttonReset buttonName AllowClick About Box About Box buttonReset buttonName AllowClick Jukebox PASSPORT MUSIC DEMO buttonUp buttonUp songButtonReset stop mid tbkMCI close mid tbkMCI mtpdemo.exe strLength rootFile runProCommand songButtonDown midiFile bookPath stopMid buttonUp buttonUp songButtonReset stop mid tbkMCI close mid tbkMCI mtpdemo.exe strLength rootFile runProCommand songButtonDown midiFile bookPath stopMid Run Pro About Box shield buttonUp buttonUp shield Hardware Req Your personal computer must have either a synthesizer card like Sound Blaster, Adlib, or Media Vison, or a MIDI adapter and a connection to an external MIDI synthesizer. A 386 with at least 2 megabytes of RAM is recommended, as is a 256-color VGA display. About PPort Passport is a producer of MIDI and sound-related software. For more information, press the MUSIC! button. Passport is located at 625 Miramontes Street, Half Moon Bay, Calif., 94019. About Passport Passport Designs, Inc., is the leading developer of music and sound software application tools and music data products for personal computers and MIDI instruments. Passport currently offers a wide range of award winning products including a large library of music data, music sequencing, notation programs and digital audio software. Passport's products are used by professional musicians, computer hobbyists, music educators, publishers and multimedia professionals. Contact Passport for more information and discover a whole new world of making music on your PC. Passport Designs, Inc. 625 Miramontes St. Half Moon Bay, CA 94019 phone: 415-726-0280 fax: 415-726-2254 About Trax TRAX TURNS YOUR PC INTO A DESKTOP MUSIC STUDIO! * Record, edit and play back music. * Compose and arrange music for a solo performance or a complete orchestra. * Add music to multimedia performances. * Interact with songs using the large Passport Music Data song library. * Play along with your favorite songs, or cut your own hit record. * MIDI - The Musical Instrument Digital Interface: * Connects computers with musical instruments, synthesizers * Dramatically better than digital sound - Much less memory required - 5 minute CD quality song fits in under 100 K. - Song files can be composed, edited, and fit for your presentation and personal taste. * Trax is compatible with virtually any MIDI synthesizer or other MIDI gear. Click the Run Trax button to try it out! ur musical potential with Trax's ease of use and powerful features. MIDI, the musical instrument digital interface, is a simple, sophisticated way of interfacing a personal computer to musical instruments, audio and video gear. With Trax you can record, edit and play back music with your personal computer and MIDI insturments. Compose and arrange music for anything from a solo performance to a complete orchestra. Add music to multimedia performances, play along with your favorite songs, or cut your own hit record. With Trax you'll discover a whole new world of music making! The Trax Demo button will launch you into a demonstration of Trax that points out it's key features and benefits. Trax supports industry standard MIDI Files and Master Tracks Pro files. These file formats provide a wide range of compatibility with other music software programs and products. Trax is compatible with virtually any MIDI synthesizer or other MIDI gear. We have included a Trax demo version for you to actually try out; it does everything the full version does, except save your recordings to disk. Click the Run Trax button to try it out! MT Pro TURN YOUR PC INTO A PROFESSIONAL RECORDING STUDIO WITH MASTER TRACKS PRO! * Powerful tools for recording, editing and playing back songs and sound tracks on your PC. * Intuitive, graphical user interface and state of the art features. * Edit virtually any nuance of a musical composition and synchronize it to film, video, multimedia presentations or multi-track audio tape. * Easily add more dynamic expression, alter pitch bend, cut and paste to repeat a part and step input passages you are unable to play live. * Increase tempo with the click of a mouse, "fit time" to film or video or transform any section of music at will. Experience the power of a sophisticated recording studio right from your desktop! Click the Run Pro button and take it for a spin! Music Data PASSPORT'S MUSIC DATA LIBRARY- PLAY AND INTERACT WITH POPULAR AND ORIGINAL "CLIP MUSIC" WITH YOUR PC! RATTLE YOUR WINDOWS WITH MEDIA MUSIC * A library of original production music for multimedia. * Choose from a diversity of musical categories and ambiances. * Available formats include MIDI Files or digital audio. * Interact with the music using MIDI software like Master Tracks Pro. * Change tempos, customize and rearrange the music for your presentation. * Fully licensed for use as background music in multimedia productions being distributed, sold or used for public presentation. * Play Media Music with Windows Multimedia Extensions on a Sound Blaster, other sound card or with MIDI instruments. Choose a song from the jukebox to hear a sample of Media Music! (more) WITH MIDI HITS, YOUR FAVORITE SONGS ARE YOURS TO PLAY WITH! * Popular songs in MIDI format. * Great for cover tunes, learning to play, backup for rehearsal or home entertainment. * Interact with the songs using MIDI software like Trax. * Arrange the parts, customize the sound, play your own solos or study the arrangements. * Choose from your favorite Rock, Big Band Jazz, Classical, R&B o Country songs. * Instantly expand your repertoire. To order Music Data Products, call 1-800-443-3210. (Note: MIDI Hits are protected by Federal Copyright Law. As such, MIDI Hits are just like any other form of copyrighted music. Permission is required from the copyright owner to synchronize a copyrighted work with a videotape or film. Although you can use MIDI Hits to playback music for your own personal use, public performance or use in a video tape or film requires the express permission of the copyright owner.))))) About Demo This demo was developed for Passport Designs by Stratos Systems. Stratos Systems produces complete Windows-based systems of all kinds, but specializes in those calling for utilization of full-motion/still video, sound, and MIDI for sales, training, technical, and educational applications. We wish to thank the following vendors for their contributions and products: Asymetrix Corp. (ToolBook) - Thanks, Glenn. Epson America (ES-300C scanner). Media Vision (Pro AudioSpectrum) Roland Corporation (GM1 synthesizer and MIDI interface) Corel Systems Corp. (CorelDRAW) - Thanks, Fiona Dave Kusek/Perry Devine/Andy Muson/Anastasia Lanier (Passport) Stratos Systems 1016 E. El Camino Real, Suite 224 Sunnyvale, Ca., 94087 (408) 737-7955........................ OpeningPage Track Sheet < r :PHYSSIZE :PHYSSIZE label vol11 vol10 :PHYSSIZE record :PHYSSIZE pause :PHYSSIZE rewind :PHYSSIZE fforward :PHYSSIZE :PHYSSIZE recCircle muteDiamond1 muteDiamond4 muteDiamond3 muteDiamond2 arrow1 G. MIDI Honky-tonk Pia G. MIDI Slap Bass 1 (37 G. MIDI Synth Bass 2 (4 G. MIDI Synth Pad 3 (91 G. MIDI Synth Lead 1 (8 G. MIDI Elec Jazz Guita G. MIDI Bottle Blow (77) G. MIDI Brass Section (6 G. MIDI Elec Muted Gui G. MIDI Acou Grand Pia G. MIDI Orchestra Hit (5 enterPage resetAnim MyPause keyDown enterPage yieldApp resetAnim sysex yieldApp Master Tracks Pro has all the features of Trax plus... label VNMyPause sophisticated editing and syncing capabilities for professional use. label VNMyPause Master Tracks Pro provides the advanced tools for musicians, film and video, composers and multimedia producers. label VNMyPause autoTurnPage whichPass MyPause yieldApp PauseTicksTimesTen yieldApp Pitch Bend VNMyPause resetAnim Jukebox autoTurnPage whichPass resetAnim label MT Pro keyDown resetAnim Jukebox isCtrl isShift Track Sheet Jukebox Pitch Bend :PHYSSIZE bent area label MIDI data windows allow you to plot or draw pitch bend and other MIDI controllers. :PHYSSIZE :PHYSSIZE label selectedMeasures :PHYSSIZE text1 You can select an area, text2 cut or copy it, / text3 and paste it. pastedMeasures 0 :PHYSSIZE 4autoTurnPage, bookPath resetAnim "MT Pro" MyPause(6) yieldApp() 2595 8175 "bent area" 2595,2505,i,3045 &"traxdemo.exe canyon2.mts /p /n /e /o" PauseTicksTimesTen DoYields "smpte" "Pitch Bend" 2595,2505,2595,3045 key,isShift,isCtrl "Jukebox" terPage DoYields MyPause resetAnim enterPage keyDown enterPage resetAnim MT Pro VNMyPause yieldApp bent area yieldApp traxdemo.exe canyon2.mts /p /n /e /o VNMyPause autoTurnPage bookPath MyPause yieldApp PauseTicksTimesTen DoYields yieldApp Yields kDoYields smpte autoTurnPage resetAnim bent area Pitch Bend keyDown resetAnim Jukebox isCtrl isShift II?OOYa YKKPOOc cI?"2 `\L\` `\`\r \VVLL`\\ `VV\L\\ >1MxM PLP[LJV\\` \PP\`fA88R P\[[P\L4() [faPA3 faafK5 _D(>(S a4A(a H8MS: 3);c( y)B"DA 33;