PC-Linux, Windows 95/98/NT
New Mexico, USA
[Demo.exe] [22.1 MB]
[Read me] This Windows/Linux
first-person, 3D accelerated, space-fighter combat game is played in enclosed
arenas connected by teleports. The game uses real physics down to friction, momentum,
and inertia, and features six vehicles, eleven weapons/ powerups, force feedback
and 3D sound. Network play supports 63 players via LAN and 24 via modem using
advanced predictive dynamics.
Joe Waters - Owner/Director of Aegis Simulation Technologies Joe Waters
is a mechanical engineer-turned-game-programmer with GL-based flight simulation
experience for DoD subcontractors and a national laboratory dating back to 1990.
In 1998 he founded Aegis Tech and has been working on BFRIS ever since. Other
interests: aviation, firearms marksmanship, martial arts, and inline hockey.
Fred Chavez - Art and Animation Fred Chavez
is a 3d artist/animator with a background in mechanical engineering. Previous
experience includes work with specialized military vehicle design for a DOE contractor.
His photographs have been shown in Arizona and New Mexico. Interests include music,
Shao-Lin Kung Fu and hi-fidelity home theater. Rafael
M. Rubio - Digital Blacksmith Rafael M. Rubio a computational physicist
with 8 years experience programming PCs, has worked for national laboratories
and in semiconductor manufacturing. Rafael and Joe have worked together on video
game related projects since 1996. Interests include self organizing systems and
a utomation. He has been an active musician for 10 years. Charles
Skelton - Sound and Music Charles Skelton is an accomplished musician
who has been playing since age eight. He has released dance records to critical
acclaim and has DJ'd to sold out audiences. He has composed several multimedia
projects before signing on with Aegis Tech. Other interests include computer graphic
design, programming, and his family.