Boobies Boobies

Platform: PC

Utah, USA

[ .AVI][67.3 MB]

Boobies delivers an exciting strategic departure First, hide dangerous booby-traps within a beautiful side-scrolling landscape. Then, using teams of blue-footed booby birds, attempt to capture valuable artifacts and annihilate the opposition without falling prey to the hidden traps. Part Worms 2, part Indiana Jones, Boobies requires devious thinking to win.

Michael Christenson
Michael Christenson was Lead Artist for "Wild Varmint Bounty Hunter." Former Producer for Maxis on Mindwarp. Kick-started production on SimGolf where he invented the first mouse-swing interface. Recently produced radio programs, computer games, design documents and marketing materials for diverse companies. Also writing a science-fiction novel, Crown of Thorns. Father of two ankle-biters.

David Henry
David Henry worked as a Programmer for Maxis on the ill-fated 3D shooter Mindwarp. Recent projects include "Wild Varmint Bounty Hunter" and a new baby daughter.