Evernight Evernight

Platform: Online

Colorado, USA

EverNight is a massively multi-player, turn-based strategy game set in a shadowy world of legions, monsters, and supernatural warfare. Players battle online against an army of opponents and are constantly challenged to employ their best strategies and diplomatic skills. EverNight is an intense and addictive game that can be played anytime, anywhere.

John Blakely, Executive Producer
A strapping redheaded gent, Mr. Blakely's passion for games kindled in the '80s. After a brief NASA diversion (making concrete in space) he returned to games, joining VR.1 in 1996. John played a huge part in launching both the combat sim Fighter Ace and intergalactic conquer blitz UltraCorps on Microsoft's MSN Gaming Zone.

Other team members include:
David McCloskey, Senior Producer
Christian Ebbecke, Lead Software Engineer
Michael Machowski, Software Engineer
Michael Ballbach, Software Engineer
Brad White, Artist and Interface Designer
Brandon Gillam, Lead Artist