Platform: Macintosh
[Macintosh users: Demo is viewable by double
clicking on the Food Chain icon found in the directory called " food_chain"
on this CD]
Food Chain is a strategy board game based
on the balance of nature, where cartoon creatures eat one another to survive.
You control the creatures in this game of predator and prey by deciding who will
eat, and who will be eaten. It's easy to learn, but difficult to master! John
Casasanta John learned to program on the Atari 400 with the hope of
creating his own games. He developed his first "commercial" program in the mid
80's for the Amiga 1000, resulting in a whopping $900 for a year's worth of work.
He later "paid his dues" in the game's industry while working at Papyrus and Looking
Glass. Karen Cyr - designer Karen got
her start in the games industry at Papyrus Design Group and Hasbro Interactive
in quality assurance. Karen likes classic board games like chess, backgammon,
and Risk. She also plays a mean game of poker. Sean
Viera - animator, artist Sean attends the School of the Museum of
Fine Arts in Boston, specializing in cell, clay, and 3D animation. He did the
cartoon animation and graphic design in Food Chain. Sean's favorite games are
role-playing games, and his ultimate goal is to become a feature film animator.
Karein van der Lee - technical writer, production
assistant Karein is a student at Simmons College majoring in Biology.
She has filled such varied positions at Cajun Games as technical writer, marketing
assistant, production assistant, graphic artist, and she recently graduated to
game designer. Her favorite type of games are graphic adventures.
Duane Reed - sound effects, musician Duane loves all aspects of performing.
He is known for vocal and musical talents, and is responsible for the sounds and
music in Food Chain. He's currently part of an a Capella group which you might
catch a performance of if you're in the Boston area. Mark
Schwartz - programmer Mark's inability to shake the gaming bug began
with an Asteroids addiction that soon turned into hacking out sprite animations.
Mark hopes to create a role-playing game rich with culture. He is working on the
Food Chain Windows port, and lives with his wife and toddler outside of Boston.