Data supporting the Oregon Breeding Bird Atlas
(see data files for a short introduction.)


This is the master data set of observations. This is the source of the observation lists you find under the species and the hexagon links of the atlas. The data set consists of 124,423 records, so you will probably need a database program to work with it. A spreadsheet program such as Excel can only handle about 65,000 records and therefore will not be able to work with this data set.

Refer to the Methods section of the Introduction to the Atlas for a discussion of how this data was reported and recorded.

This data set is in text format (MASTER.TXT) and DBF format (MASTER.DBF).

Although we have made the data from this project accessible to anyone, all the time the authors spent administering this project, as well as time spent computerizing, organizing, and documenting the data, was uncompensated. Moreover, not every limitation of the data has been described. For these reasons, we request that researchers who wish to publish statistical analyses of these data please contact us first to discuss the data and opportunities for joint authorship of resulting publications. Furthermore, we again thank the Oregon Natural Heritage Program and the USEPA for sharing with us some of the non-avian data sets. We also would appreciate hearing of any factual errors discovered in the MASTER.TXT file. Contact us at:
Paul Adamus: (phone 541-745-7092)
Kit Larsen: (phone 541-344-9574)


Fields: (12, comma delimited in the TXT file)

(HEXAGON) The hexagon number.

(SPECIES) The species name.

(CODE4) Species four letter abbreviation. This abbreviation is used in file naming throughout the Atlas CD.

(OBSHEX) Within the hexagon, the breeding evidence observed. See the Breeding codes section of the Introduction to the CD for explanation of the codes.

(OBSQR) Within the square, the breeding evidence observed. See the Breeding codes section of the Introduction to the CD for explanation of the codes.

(HISTHEX) Within the hexagon, a historical record of breeding evidence. See the Breeding codes section of the Introduction to the CD for explanation of the codes.

(HISTSQR) Within the square, a historical record of breeding evidence. See the Breeding codes section of the Introduction to the CD for explanation of the codes.

(YEAR) The year of the observation. For historical records, no year is recorded.

(DATE) The date of the observation. Many of the observations do not have a date recorded. For historical records, no date is recorded.

(MAPPED) A few observations are included, but not mapped because the Steering Committee felt the observation did not indicate breeding behavior. An 'N' in this field indicates the observation was not mapped.

(LAST_NAME) Last name of the observer. If more one person participated in the observation, only one name is recorded.

(FIRST_NAME) First name of the observer. If more one person participated in the observation, only one name is recorded.