Numerology Readers (Top 10, PC World 1997)
Copyright ⌐ 1996 - 1998 by Eugene Khmelevsky Inc.
All Rights Reserved.
*** Installation ***
If you received this version of Numerology Readers in a self-extracting
executable file, just double click on it. Then follow the instructions.
If you received this version of Numerology Readers on a floppy disk
please follow the instructions on the disk label.
*** Minimum Requirements ***
Intel 486 or above, 8MB of RAM, Disk space of 2 MB available,
VGA, Windows 95 or Windows NT 3.51/4.0 or higher.
*** Documentation ***
Please read License.txt for licensing information.
*** List of Files ***
The Numerology Readers package consists of the following files:
*** Shared Documentation ***
Readme.txt - introductory information
Readme.html - introductory information in html format
License.txt - license agreement/warranty disclaimer
Order.txt - information on how to order numerology readers
*** Shared Applications ***
bar.exe - numerology readers application
regstr.exe - registration application
*** Shared Libraries ***
Msvcrt.dll - required dynamic link library
Mfc42.dll - required dynamic link library
*** Message Decoder Lite files ***
decoder.cnt - help contents file
decoder.hlp - complete documentation in Windows help format
decoder.exe - application
dtips.txt - tips
*** Numerology Star Reader files ***
Num.cnt - help contents file
Num.hlp - complete documentation in Windows help format
numer.exe - application
tips.txt - tips
*** Companion Reader files ***
companion.cnt - help contents file
companion.hlp - complete documentation in Windows help format
companion.exe - application
ctips.txt - tips
*** Pets Numerology files ***
pets.exe - application (with help)
*** Running Numerology Readers ***
To run Numerology Readers just double click on bar.exe, then select the
desired application.
Limited Time Offer: $35.00!
Please send a check or a money order drawn on the bank in the USA to:
Eugene Khmelevsky Inc.
2003 E. Lake Bluff Blvd.
Shorewood, WI 53211 USA
Registration ID will be sent to you via e-mail.
*** TO ORDER BY A CREDIT CARD *** Limited Time Offer Does Not Apply ****
You may order by credit card in any of the following ways.
1. On the Internet:
You can order with a Visa, MasterCard, American Express, or Discover
card over the World Wide Web using a secured form. All information
sent this way is encrypted using SSL technology for your protection.
This is the fastest way to order.
2. If you would like to place an order over phone, call 1-888-282-5887
Monday through Friday, from 9:00 A.M. to 6:00 P.M. MST.
You can also fax your order at 1-801-530-7161.