CCUnits Version 2.0 CCUnits is a program for Windows 95 to convert units of measure common in engineering and science. Also, several physical constants can be consulted. It includes 24 magnitudes and in each magnitude the most frequently used units have been chosen. Unlike other unit conversion programs, CCUnits doesn't overwhelm the user with hundreds of units and magnitudes, it only provides the most frequently used and important ones. Details of Use: - The user writes the value in the corresponding box, and the converted values are displayed while the number is being written. At any given moment, all values are equivalent. - Ctrl+C and Ctrl+V work as usual. You can copy and paste values between fields and between applications. To select a number you can drag or click on the field. - An option is included to make this application be "Always on Top". To activate or deactivate this feature, click on the window menu and click on "Always on Top". - The program "remembers" the state of the "Always on Top" option, the position of the window on the desktop, the number of decimal places, the last magnitude used, and the status of the scientific notation option. Next time the program is launched, it uses this configuration. - Numbers can be written in scientific notation, for example 6,25E-8. The number must start with a digit.