Welcome to the PC Magazine Interactive Companion for Windows CD-ROM! To utilize this CD, you should be sure to have the latest version of your browser (ahem - IE or Netscape please). For your convenience we have included both Microsoft Internet Explorer 5 and Netscape Navigator 4 in the folder called "Browsers." Simply go to the appropriate directory (IE or NAV), and double click the setup program contained inside. Now you're ready to browse your CD! Some quick tips: - If the interface appears partially obscured, be sure you have your browser window maximized, and that you are running at 800x600 screen resolution (you can change this in your Windows Control Panel). - All of the programs on this disc are "zipped" (compressed). We have provided an "unzipping" program for you in the ZIP folder on this cd. To install it you must go to the ZIP folder and double click the executable file contained within. - If you have any questions or comments, feel free to email us at: ZDCD@ZD.COM From all of us at Ziff-Davis... Enjoy!