Chapter 11: A Quick Guide to Game-related Usenet Newsgroups
Think of newsgroups as being similar to a collection of electronic bulletin boards. Organized by broad categories which are then subdivided into smaller, topic-oriented subcategories, these bulletin boards provide space for people to post observations, ask questions, and generally communicate with one another. An easy Internet protocol to master, Usenet newsgroups offer game-players a noncompetitive venue to share their enthusiasm with like-minded folks, join in discussions about the finer points of play, and search for resources that have otherwise proven elusive.There is a vast number of Usenet newsgroups currently active, but not everyone has access to every newsgroup. The newsgroups a person can access is determined by the news-administrator at that person's Internet Service Provider (ISP). The news-admin decides which newsgroups will be allowed through the ISP's newsfeed, and consequently which newsgroups their customers can read. Selectivity generally boils down to a question of the ISP's storage space and picking those newsgroups with the widest appeal. Let's make it personal to them: If there is newsgroup you would like to subscribe to but can't locate, ask your system adminstrator ...But most ISPs are nothing if not accommodating. If there is a newsgroup you'd like to access but can't, just ask your system administrator to add it.
Like the rest of the Internet, Usenet is a dynamic environment where new newsgroups are being added constantly. For those new to Usenet then, learning a few key facts and following a few suggestions could prove beneficial down the road.
Understanding Newsgroup Names
As mentioned earlier, newsgroups are organized by category. These categories have grown over the past several years through the addition of local newsgroups, but there is a recognized group of categories which generally serve as the core category list and another group which acts as an alternate list.The seven traditional newsgroup categories include: comp, which is used to discuss computer hardware, software and programming languages; misc, which is a catch-all category for topics that don't fit into the other six core categories; news, which offers guidance and discussion about the Usenet; rec, which covers games, hobbies, sports, and all manner of leisure activities; sci, which focuses on the sciences, offering forums for both simple and complex discussion of related matters; soc, which turns attention to social issues and cultures around the world; and talk, which is as it suggests, talk, talk, and more talk about topics that generally spark heated debate.
The alternate list of categories includes but is not limited to: alt, which is used as another catch-all area where topics run the gamut; biz, which provides the business community an area for discussions of general trends and specific companies; and gnu, which hosts discussions concerning the Free Software Foundation, an organization dedicated to promoting the free distribution, copying, and modifying of all software. Other alternate categories cater to the biology community, K-12 educators and students, and VMS operating system users, plus include a few newswire service feeds and international newsgroups.
Under each category, a plethora of topics can be discussed. For example, the rec category offers a wide range of newsgroups devoted to games, but also has groups devoted to movies. Similarly the comp category has tons on computer programming and languages, but also offers a selection of newsgroups discussing games. It's necessary then for each person to look through the list of newsgroups available through their ISP to find the ones which most appeal to their particular tastes.
A good place to start for anyone who is new to the Usenet is in the news category-not because it holds information on games, but because it holds the answers to the questions most frequently asked by folks beginning their exploration of the Usenet. Try the following newsgroups: news.announce.newusers, which is a moderated forum that caters to helping new users become familiar with newsgroups; and news.newuser.questions, which provides a question and answer explanation of the Usenet.
Notice how the newsgroups mentioned above are named. The category comes first, followed by a period and a topic, followed by a period and a topic descriptive. Newsgroups are generally named so that browsers can readily figure out what is being discussed by the participants of that group. Names can be as short as two words separated by periods or they can be made of many words, with each successive word defining the topic more narrowly.
Usenet Netiquette: Simple Courtesy and Common Sense
Always remember that the postings on the Usenet are available to a wide, often worldwide, audience. What some may consider loose talk, others will find downright offensive. In other words, when posting, try to exercise a vocabulary that does not depend upon profanity for passionate expression. Too, remember that personal responses to postings aren't necessarily of interest or benefit to the entire newsgroup. In this case, a private e-mail rather than a newsgroup posting might be the best course of action.Opinions are welcome, but argument for argument's sake is pointless. If a disagreement arises, do not let the situation spiral out of control into what is called a "flame war," where insults and accusations rule the discourse. Always be civil and courteous. If someone attempts to start a flame war, ignore the ignorance and move along. Rude behavior is neither cute nor funny, nor appreciated.
For a more detailed look at Netiquette on the Usenet, refer to the newsgroup news.announce.newusers.
A Beginner's Directory of Gaming Newsgroups
The following is only a representative sampling of currently active newsgroups devoted to one or another aspect of gaming. The list has been divided into broad topics for easy access and quick reference.General Gaming
Preview what's on the 3D horizon and critically review the progress in the 3D gaming arena. Find out what's out there with this list of computer games. Stop in here for heady talk about gaming theory and strategy. Join in general discussions about games of most every design. Talk about electronic games. Card Games, Collectible Card Games, and Trading Cards
Those looking for newsgroups with general discussion concerning card collecting and games may try:Add to general discussions about trading cards. Same as above, only no sports talk please. Talk about standard deck card games that don't involve gambling. Visit this moderated forum for news of interest to collectible card game fans. Strike deals or simply talk of buying, selling and trading collectible cards. Examine collectible card games with other fans in this unmoderated forum. Those looking for newsgroups covering specific card games might try: Discuss White Wolf's fantasy CCG called Rage. Chat about the classic card game with fellow enthusiasts. Discuss the Jyhad CCG (a.k.a.Vampire: The Eternal Struggle).
Discuss the various aspects of the Magic: The Gathering CCG. Discuss the Star Trek: The Next Generation CCG. Games Programming
Talk with MUDers about building text-based environments. Explore the idea of artificial intelligence in electronic games. Seek and find discussion about writing CGI scripts. Seek and find discussion about writing HTML. Seek and find discussion about using Java. Seek and find discussion about the Perl language. Answer the question: What constitutes a good game design? Discuss adventure game programming with programmers. Role-Playing Games
Those looking for newsgroups with general discussion concerning role-playing games may try:Fight for the honor of a favorite role-playing system. Visit this moderated forum for news of general interest to the role-playing community. Browse this moderated archive for fantasy stories and ideas. Find out why they call it live-action role-playing. Buy, sell, or trade objects of interest to role-playing enthusiasts. Discuss fantasy role-playing games with those who share the interest. Take up the issues involved in administering multiple-user dungeons (MUDs). Keep abreast of the lasted MUD news via this moderated forum. Find out all about and discuss Diku MUDs. Find out all about and discuss LP MUDs. Explore the various facets of multiple-user dungeons (MUDs). Find out all about and discuss Tiny MUDs. Stop in for the latest moderated news on rogue-style computer-based role-playing. Discuss the rogue style of role-play gaming. Those looking for newsgroups covering specific role-playing games might try: Visit with characters experiencing Alternate Trek Reality. Plug into the Final Fantasy universe. Talk Dungeons and Dragons utilities with other D&D fans. Explore the Illuminati world of conspiracy and intrigue. Enter a World of Darkness where the undead roam free. Join the Clan Tremere for biting talk and bloody tales. Talk about the horror and gothic RPGs from White Wolf. Find out what it takes to join Starfleet. Discuss the MUSE sprung form the original "Star Trek" series. Relate to the world of cyberpunks and discuss the fantasy. Revel in the original role-playing fantasy, Dungeons and Dragons. Get rough and rowdy with fellow Angband rogues. Talk the talk with fellow Moria rogues. Not everyone can hack it. Get the what's up on Nethack. Visit this Rogue gallery for insight into the game. Title Specific Computer Games
Find aid and comfort from fellow Air Warrior combatants. Discover how civilized CivNet's networked civilians can be. Help and be helped; that's how to Command & Conquer. Discuss Dark Forces with fellow Star Wars gaming fans. Talk up the game Descent. Cut to the chase with veteran players of DOOM. Visit this moderated forum for news of interest to DOOM fans. Be smart and visit this DOOM newsgroup before the others. Yes! DOOM II has its own newsgroup, too. Stop in for bits and pieces about Duke Nukem 3D. Explore the thrills and spills of Galactic Bloodshed. Discuss the Mac attack sci-fi game Marathon. Exchange combat tales with other MechWarriors. Engage in talk of Mortal Kombat. Engage in talk of Mortal Kombat III. Meet the multiusers who play among the Multi-Trek stars. They're all fighting words in the Street Fighter 2 newsgroup. Discuss the fine art of Warcraft-the skill and thrill, too. Brief and be briefed about the Wing Commander flight sim. Join the Xpilots and explore the thrills of the game. Discuss the networked game with fellow Xtrek enthusiasts.
For those who like their DOOM as doomed as DOOM can be.
For those looking to shake up their Quake. Explore the strategies for conquering Stars! Read what fans of the Ultima games have to say. Talk about Xpilot missions. Discover what it takes to build and defend an Empire. Find out about playing games with enormous robots. Call it Netrek or Xtrek II, just talk about it here. Plot strategy and talk Xtank tactics. Discuss programming for the Xtank game. Title Specific Miscellaneous Games
Talk of rolling dice and moving backgammon discs. Discuss and dissect the chess moves that win. Find news and general chat of interest to chess players. Talk about Chinese chess in search of a player's advantage. Discuss ruling the world with Diplomacy. Go here for discussion on the Asian board game Go.