IAB Open Meeting

Reported by Bob Braden/ISI

The IAB held an open meeting at the Amsterdam IETF, on Tuesday evening.
About 120 observers attended, approximately 20% of the IETF meeting.
The following is a brief summary of the meeting.  A more complete
summary is available by anonymous FTP from host ftp.isi.edu with
pathname pub/IAB/IABmins.jul93.txt.

Standards Procedures Document

Another round of revisions will be made in the replacement for RFC 1310,
and a new Internet-Draft will be circulated.  However, the IAB feels
this document should be published as an RFC as soon as possible.  A key
issue is the rules for intellectual property, particularly copyrights.
The IAB will take steps to inform and involve the Internet community, as
soon as ISOC lawyers have prepared new text.

Proposed ISOC Liaison Agreements with ISO and ITU

The IAB accepted a recommendation from Vint Cerf, President of the
Internet Society, that a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between ISO
and ISOC be drafted.  This MOU, if accepted by both sides, would form
the basis for a Category A liaison relationship with ISO. It would be
framed to protect the successful IETF processes for standards making,
while establishing the ground rules for interaction between IETF working
groups and ISO subcommittees, and any other relations deemed helpful.
Vint agreed to draft such a document, for presentation to the Internet
community for comments and discussions.

Liaison with the ITU, delayed by their reorganization, is now under
active consideration.

Projections of CIDR Effects

There was an extensive discussion of the existing projections of the
effects of CIDR on preserving the IP address space and preventing a
routing explosion.  The uncertainties are still very large, and further
studies, with their assumptions carefully documented, are needed.


The IAB has initiated a study of modifications of the Internet
architecture for shared media, like public data networks.
Steve Kent summarized the ongoing work in the IETF and IRTF towards a
security architecture for the Internet.


Bernt Allonen            bal@tip.net
Harald Alvestrand        Harald.Alvestrand@uninett.no
Per Andersson            pa@cdg.chalmers.se
Anders Baardsgaad        anders@cc.uit.no
Tony Bates               tony@ripe.net
Nutan Behki              Nutan_Behki@qmail.newbridge.com
Robert Blokzijl          K13@nikhef.nl
Rebecca Bostwick         bostwick@es.net
Robert Braden            braden@isi.edu
Ronald Broersma          ron@nosc.mil
J. Nevil Brownlee        nevil@ccu1.aukuni.ac.nz
Ross Callon              rcallon@wellfleet.com
Vinton Cerf              vcerf@cnri.reston.va.us
George Chang             gkc@ctt.bellcore.com
A. Lyman Chapin          lyman@bbn.com
Henry Clark              henryc@oar.net
Les Clyne                l.clyne@jnt.ac.uk
Richard Colella          colella@nist.gov
Stephen Coya             scoya@cnri.reston.va.us
David Crocker            dcrocker@mordor.stanford.edu
Stephen Deering          deering@parc.xerox.com
Thomas DeWitt            tdewitt@osi.ncsl.nist.gov
Francis Dupont           francis.dupont@inria.fr
Tom Easterday            tom@cic.net
Toerless Eckert          Toerless.Eckert@informatik.uni-erlangen.de
Dino Farinacci           dino@cisco.com
Mark Fedor               fedor@psi.com
Dennis Ferguson          dennis@ans.net
Eric Fleischman          ericf@act.boeing.com
Peter Ford               peter@goshawk.lanl.gov
Osten Franberg           euaokf@eua.ericsson.se
Paul Francis             Francis@thumper.bellcore.com
Vince Fuller             vaf@stanford.edu
Peter Furniss            p.furniss@ulcc.ac.uk
Tony Genovese            genovese@es.net
David Ginsburg           ginsb@us-es.sel.de
Joseph Godsil            jgodsil@ncsa.uiuc.edu
Ramesh Govindan          rxg@thumper.bellcore.com
Phillip Gross            pgross@ans.net
Chris Gunner             gunner@dsmail.lkg.dec.com
Joel Halpern             jmh@network.com
Jari Hamalainen          jah@rctre.nokia.com
Craig Haney              craig@icp.net
Susan Hares              skh@merit.edu
Robert Hinden            hinden@eng.sun.com
Jack Houldsworth         J.Houldsworth@ste0906.wins.icl.co.uk
Chris Howard             chris_howard@inmarsat.org
Christian Huitema        Christian.Huitema@sophia.inria.fr
Erik Huizer              Erik.Huizer@SURFnet.nl
Geoff Huston             g.huston@aarnet.edu.au
Sascha Ignjatovic        sascha@veda.co.at
Ole Jacobsen             ole@interop.com
Ronald Jacoby            rj@sgi.com
Dennis Jennings          jennings@irlearn.ucd.ie
Borka Jerman-Blazic      jerman-blazic@ijs.si
David Johnson            dbj@cs.cmu.edu
Philip Jones             p.jones@jnt.ac.uk
Cyndi Jung               cmj@3com.com
Scott Kaplan             scott@wco.ftp.com
Daniel Karrenberg        daniel@ripe.net
Frank Kastenholz         kasten@ftp.com
Dave Katz                dkatz@cisco.com
Peter Kaufmann           kaufmann@dfn.dbp.de
Sean Kennedy             liam@nic.near.net
Stephen Kent             kent@bbn.com
Lothar Klein             lothar.klein@gmd.de
John Klensin             Klensin@infoods.unu.edu
Mark Knopper             mak@merit.edu
Stev Knowles             stev@ftp.com
Rajeev Kochhar           rajeev_kochhar@3com.com
Ton Koelman              koelman@stc.nato.int
Pekka Kytolaakso         pekka.kytolaakso@csc.fi
Sylvain Langlois         Sylvain.Langlois@exp.edf.fr
Mark Laubach             laubach@hpl.hp.com
Jose Legatheaux Martins  jalm@fct.unl.pt
Tony Li                  tli@cisco.com
John Lindsay             lindsay@kingston.ac.uk
Peter Lothberg           roll@stupi.se
Paul Lustgarten          Paul.Lustgarten@att.com
Carl Malamud             carl@malamud.com
Paolo Malara             malara@crs4.it
Bill Manning             bmanning@rice.edu
David Marlow             dmarlow@relay.nswc.navy.mil
Ignacio Martinez         martinez@rediris.es
Chuck McManis            chuck.mcmanis@eng.sun.com
Peter Merdian            merdian@rus.uni-stuttgart.de
Keith Mitchell           keith@pipex.net
Jun Murai                jun@wide.ad.jp
Peder Chr.  Noergaard    pcn@tbit.dk
David O'Leary            doleary@cisco.com
Petri Ojala              ojala@eunet.fi
Geir Pedersen            Geir.Pedersen@usit.uio.no
Charles Perkins          perk@watson.ibm.com
David Perkins            dperkins@synoptics.com
David Piscitello         dave@mail.bellcore.com
Willi Porten             porten@gmd.de
Lars Poulsen             lars@cmc.com
Mark Prior               mrp@itd.adelaide.edu.au
Juergen Rauschenbach     jrau@dfn.de
Alex Reijnierse          a.a.reijnierse@research.ptt.nl
Yakov Rekhter            yakov@watson.ibm.com
Jim Romaguera            romaguera@netconsult.ch
John Romkey              romkey@elf.com
Luc Rooijakkers          lwj@cs.kun.nl
Ulla Sandberg            ulla@kiera.ericsson.se
Miguel Sanz              miguel.sanz@rediris.es
Jon Saperia              saperia@tay.dec.com
John Scudder             jgs@merit.edu
Robert Shirey            shirey@mitre.org
W. David Sincoskie       sincos@thumper.bellcore.com
Michael St.  Johns       stjohns@darpa.mil
John Stewart             jstewart@cnri.reston.va.us
Marten Terpstra          marten@ripe.net
Kamlesh Tewani           ktt@arch2.att.com
Richard Thomas           rjthomas@bnr.ca
Susan Thomson            set@bellcore.com
Antoine Trannoy          trannoy@crs4.it
Lea Viljanen             Lea.Viljanen@helsinki.fi
Ruediger Volk            rv@informatik.uni-dortmund.de
Kirk Williams            kirk@sbctri.sbc.com
Jessica Yu               jyy@merit.edu
Paul Zawada              Zawada@ncsa.uiuc.edu