This tutorial provides a kind of erector set for building CGI programs with Perl. It is not an introduction to the language (or at least not a good introduction), but rather a collection of program fragments that can be combined, sometimes with slight modifications, to perform common CGI functions.
For more information about Perl, you might want to review the Introduction to Perl by Larry Wall, et al. Marshall Brain of Interface Technologies has written A Quick Introduction to PERL, which is a very succinct introduction for users who already understand programming. For a more general approach to using Perl to write CGI scripts see A Tour of HTML Forms and CGI Scripts, by Sanford Morton. Morton's document may make a good companion for the document you are now reading; it covers much of the same material from a different point of view..
Knowledge of HTML and HTML forms processing is necessary before learning to write CGI scripts; for background information about these topics, see
You should already have a directory in which you keep your HTML documents. Usually this directory is public_html in your login directory. The Perl scripts you create should be in a subdirectory of public_html called cgi-bin. Programs in this directory can be run as CGI scripts on any system operated by Academic Computing Services (ACS) at The University of Kansas (e.g., FALCON, LARK, RAVEN, etc.).
As mentioned earlier this tutorial presents an erector set of Perl program fragments for performing tasks commonly used with CGI scripts. These building blocks allow you to:
Most readers will find it useful to review the entire tutorial to get the "big picture", and then concentrate on those building blocks which they want to use in their own CGI scripts.
Perl may be used to return an HTML document by using a program like: