Xteq Systems X-Setup 5.5 - Readme _____________________________________________________ HIGHLY IMPORTANT NOTICE Xteq X-Setup requires some Scripting system files to work properly. If these files are not installed, X-Setup will not function properly! See "REQUIRED FILES" for more information. _____________________________________________________ INSTALLING XTEQ X-SETUP To install Xteq X-Setup, extract all files from the archive to a directory and start SETUP.EXE. After Setup has finished, this directory can be deleted. _____________________________________________________ REQUIRED FILES Xteq X-Setup requires some of the Microsoft Scripting system files. If you are using Internet Explorer 4.0 (or above), Windows 98 or 2000, you have all needed files. Else you need to install the Microsoft Scripting Engine, which can be obtained for free from the following URL: http://www.microsoft.com/msdownload/vbscript/scripting.asp A detailed description which (and if) files are needed to run X-Setup can be found at: http://www.xteq.com/support/dc/18.html _____________________________________________________ REMOVE To remove this program, use the Control Panel - "Add/Remove Programs" icon. _____________________________________________________ KNOWN ISSUES - On Windows NT/2000 machines, it can happen that the automatic restart of the computer fails. - If you are using a user account that hasn't full permissions to the system (e.g. "Guest"), some plug-ins might behave unexpectedly. For example, if the account does not have "read" access to some parts of the registry, some plug-ins can be disabled that would normally be enabled. Also, if the account does not have "write" access, applying a plug-in can result in an error message "Unable to write XXX to the registry". Resolution: Login to an Administrator account for full access to all plug-ins - The cache feature of X-Setup does not harm you in any way if you develop custom plug-ins or wizards, but it won't detect it if you rename a plug-in file without updating the time-stamp. In this case, please use "Read all (no cache)" from the "File" menu to force the cache to be refreshed. _____________________________________________________ NOTICE ABOUT INSTALLATION According to the new Windows 2000 app spec, X-Setup does no longer install anything to the \WINDOWS or \SYSTEM directory. The only exception to this is "XQXSetup.CPL" because it must be installed to \SYSTEM to appear inside the Control Panel. Also, the X-Setup icon is now placed directly in your START menu. If you are interested in how to install X-Setup on a network server, please see the \network directory below the X-Setup folder. _____________________________________________________ CONTACTING THE AUTHOR / XTEQ SYSTEMS To contact the author, write to TeXHeX@xteq.com To contact Xteq Systems, write to info@xteq.com or visit our website at http://www.xteq.com. You will also find a lot of great freeware at our site! _____________________________________________________ SOFTWARE STATUS This software is freeware, which means you are allowed to use it at no cost. You always use this software under the terms of our Software License. To help us providing freeware in the future, please visit our above mentioned site and read how you can help us. Thanks in advance. _____________________________________________________ SOFTWARE LICENSE A detailed license for this software is included in the file LICENSE.TXT that can be found in the same directory where the software is installed or directly inside the archive. _____________________________________________________ DISTRIBUTING / CD-VENDOR INFORMATION Information about distributing our software is also included in LICENSE.TXT. Key Point: Non-commercial distribution is welcome and allowed. _____________________________________________________ Copyright © Xteq Systems - All Rights Reserved http://www.xteq.com