This page of Java links was put together by David Medinets and all opinions and
mistakes are his. Clay and Que are including this page on the CD purely for your
Now lest you think that I can't design a decent web page, let me hasten to assure
you that I can. This page is simply a list of links and needs no fancy frames, nervous
text, or scrolling messages to accomplish this purpose.
Ok, we've got the legal stuff out of the way, here are the categories that I have
placed the links to:
- Recommended Sites - These sites might not have anything to do with Java, per se. But
hey, I'm writing this web page and they hold valuable information. Give them a try and if
you like them, please tell the site creators. We need more sites with great content on the
web and only by letting the creators know they are appreciated can we encourage them
to better efforts!
- Companies - This is a very small list of companies doing things with Java. There are
many, many more. You can find them by doing web searches.
- Miscellaneous - This section holds links to pages of more links, a 2D animation tool,
some tutorials, and other random stuff.
- Organizations - Places where developers are meeting other developers and trying to
form groups.
- Java Repositories - This section holds links to places on the net that try to collect
applets into one location. Of course, they all fail because there are so many of them. Try
Gamelan first, then Yahoo. After that, just poke around at random.
- Web Searching - This section has links to sites that let you look for keywords at web
sites. For example, you could search for "Java" & "IDE" & "Win95" to find all web site
that relate to Win95-enabled JAVA IDEs. I usually start by search at Alta Vista.
- Java IDEs - Please note that I am not recommending any specific IDE. The choice is just
too personal. However, if you want a place to start - try the Diva IDE. It is very easy to
use and will be quite intutive for an experienced programmer to use.
- Java Usage - This section holds some links to sites that are using Java in everyday life.
It is by no means exhaustive, just some places that I've run across in my net travals.