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Class sun.beanbox.JarLoader


public class JarLoader
extends Object

Constructor Index

 o JarLoader(String)
Create a JarLoader to read a JAR and to process its contents.

Method Index

 o getLoader()
get the loader we are using
 o loadJar()
Load the classes, resources, etc.
 o loadJarDoOnBean(String, DoOnBean)
Load the JAR file, then apply an action to each bean found


 o JarLoader
 public JarLoader(String jarName) throws FileNotFoundException
Create a JarLoader to read a JAR and to process its contents. Classes and resources are loaded against a single common class loader instance so that things like "adaptor class instantiaton" can work. Loading is started with loadIt()


 o getLoader
 public ClassLoader getLoader()
get the loader we are using

 o loadJar
 public JarInfo loadJar()
Load the classes, resources, etc.

 o loadJarDoOnBean
 public static void loadJarDoOnBean(String jarFile,
                                    DoOnBean action)
Load the JAR file, then apply an action to each bean found

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