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Class sunw.demo.encapsulatedEvents.EventMonitor


public final class EventMonitor
extends TextArea

The EventMonitor is a simple bean that demonstrates the power of the EncapsulatedEventManager and EncapsulatedEventAdaptor classes.

The EventMonitor and EventManager classes provide a simple event debugging interface that allows the BeanBox user to display a flow of all events from selected Beans.

See Also:
EncapsulatedEventAdaptor, EncapsulatedEventListener, EncapsulatedEventAdaptorGenerator, EncapsulatedEventException

Constructor Index

 o EventMonitor()

Construct an EventMonitor Bean.

Method Index

 o addEventSource(Object)

Adds the listener eel to the source s to receive ALL events s emits as encpasulated events.

 o getPreferredSize()
 o initiateEventSourceMonitoring(EventObject)

register the event source for monitoring


 o EventMonitor
 public EventMonitor()

Construct an EventMonitor Bean.


 o addEventSource
 public void addEventSource(Object s)

Adds the listener eel to the source s to receive ALL events s emits as encpasulated events. Will throw IllegalArgumentException if s is not managed by this EncapsulatedEventManager.

s - the event source
eel - the listener
 o getPreferredSize
 public Dimension getPreferredSize()
the object's preferred size
getPreferredSize in class TextArea
 o initiateEventSourceMonitoring
 public void initiateEventSourceMonitoring(EventObject eo)

register the event source for monitoring

eo - the event object

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