This program converts a VRML1.0 file to a VRML2.0 file.
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vrml1to2 infile [outfile] [-r[z][v]] [-space N] [-help] infile: specifies input filename outfile: specifies output filename If outfile is not specified, the result is outputed to stdout. -space N: specifies TAB indentation(N is the number of space). -help: displays help message. additional functions 1) -r option - convert the WRL file in WWWInline recurcively. - If the WRL file is gzipped, it will be melted automaticaly and converted. The temporary files will be removed. The gzip commend is required to use "-r" option. - If the directory to make the translated file does not exist, It will be created. - If the name of the input directory is same to the output directory, the name of the output directory will be added "20" strings. example) convert with -r option. WWWInline { name "b.wrl.gz" } -> Inline { url "b20.wrl" } conver with -rz optin. WWWInline { name "b.wrl.gz" } -> Inline { url "b20.wrl.gz" } 2) -z option - The converted output file will be gzipped. This option will work with -r option. 3) -v option - output the message in stderr format. This option will work with -r option. ex) % vrml1to2 vrml1.wrl vrml2.wrl
Rotation: 'Tranform' node's 'rotation' field IndexedLineSet: not supported. PointSet: not supported. WWWAnchor: 'Anchor' node AsciiText: 'Text' node PerspectiveCamera: 'Viewpoint' node OrthographicCamera: 'Viewpoint' node Cube: 'Box' node Info: 'WorldInfo' node Separator: 'Transform' node WWWInline: 'Inline' node MaterialBinding: 'IndexedFaceSet' node's 'colorPerVerTex' field NormallBinding: 'IndexedFaceSet' node's 'normalPerVerTex' field ShapeHints: 'IndexedFaceSet' node's 'convex' field TextureCoordinate2: 'IndexedFaceSet' node's 'texCoord' field FonstStyle: 'Text' node's 'fontStyle' fieldThe following nodes are converted into the nodes which are correspond to VRML2.0.
Cone, Coordinate3, Cylinder, DirectionalLight, Group, IndexedFaceSet, LOD, Material, Normal, PointLight, Normal, PointLight, Sphere, Switch, SpotLight