UK National Leafleting Campaign

McDonald's policy of suing any person or organisation who criticises themhas seriously backfired. Instead of quashing London Greenpeace's small-scale protests, they have spent £5 million making What'sWrong With McDonald's the most famous and widely-distributed protestleaflet in history.

More than a million and a half copies of the leaflet have been handed outsince the writs were served in 1990, and thousands of people across the world have pledged to continue distributing this information whatever the verdict in the McLibel trial.

Will I get sued?
The leaflets that are being distributed now are not the same as the London Greenpeace factsheet made 10 years ago, that is at the centre of the McLibel Trial. The only way McDonald's will learn that they cannot silence their critics is if we all get out on the streets and show them that we will carrry on distributing this information regardless of what they think.

Two days of action are planned:

The aim is that every McDonald's store in Britain should be picketted on these two days so they can see once and for all that we will not be silenced and we will continue to distribute information however they try to intimidate us.

The days of action are being coordinated by Veggies/index.htm Please contact them for more details.

This is a huge task - everyone's help is needed

If you are not based in the UK, please see the Campaigns pages for details of actions in your country.

Which store should I picket?

Please type in your postcode here:
Or the name of the nearest town/ city:
If you already know the address of your nearest store, please type it in:

Your nearest store is:


Click here to see the complete list of McDonald's stores in the UK, including those that have already been adopted.

My contact details:

Please fill in your contact details below. If you have asked for information about your local contacts, this will be sent to you by email to the address you fill in below.

For security purposes, only one contact will be sent to each email address.

I will distribute leaflets after the verdict
I would like to help spread information on the Internet after the verdict

Address line 1:

Address line 2:



Post code:

Fax no:

Any other comments:

All information supplied will be treated with complete confidentiality and will only be used by the McLibel Support Campaign.