Day 006 - 05 Jul 94 - Page 04
1 Q. But you have not seen any facts?
A. I just said, no.
Q. Right. So the basis for your view that the leaflet is
3 untrue, if you like, on hearsay from Mr. Taylor?
A. No, I am not. I am basing it on my experience and
4 exposure in the McDonald's market. I spend significant
amounts of time in the marketplace myself, in the
5 restaurants. When I am in a restaurant it is customary to
talk to the management team about what is happening in
6 their given site. It maybe a financial discussion, it may
be a human resources discussion, it might be something
7 about marketing or their involvement in the community. But
I rather pride myself on the time I spend in the
8 restaurants around the United Kingdom and, in fact, Europe
when I am there. I think I have a pretty good feel for
9 what is happening on the ground in McDonald's. I do not
pretend to know everything and everything, but I have a
10 pretty good feel.
11 Q. Does it not worry you that you may be being given a false
12 A. You do not know Andrew Taylor and I do. It does not
worry me in the least.
Q. Andrew Taylor is not here to be cross-examined.
14 A. You asked me a question, if I was worried about giving
a false impression. I said: "You do not know Andrew
15 Taylor", the individual giving me the information; if you
did, as I know him and have for many years, it is the
16 least of my concerns.
17 Q. So you base your knowledge, apart from personal
experience, on trust for Andrew Taylor?
18 A. Yes, that is correct. I have said it now three times.
19 Q. I do not know if this is an important issue, but I presume
people do ask questions more than once.
MR. JUSTICE BELL: They do, regrettably, yes, but unless you do
21 not think you have a complete answer to it the first time,
it is normally unproductive to ask it again; he trusts his
22 colleague.
23 MR. MORRIS: Right. But the sales figures and the labour
percentages ---
24 A. Yes.
25 Q. -- Get reported to you every month or every week?
A. Sales figures for what occurred in every British
26 restaurant, assuming the electronics work hundred per
cent, I will have the morning after whatever happened;
27 yesterday I will have this morning. In terms of labour
percentages, I will know that number at the completion of
28 every month. I do not pay a lot of attention to it on a
day by day basis; there are too many peaks and troughs,
29 depending on circumstances. It needs to run its fall
course of a calendar month before it is a meaningful
30 number.