Day 006 - 05 Jul 94 - Page 13

     1         "Northern Region:  To All Store Managers"?
              A.  Yes.
         Q.   I will read it clearly:  "Important!  There have been
     3        certainly recent incidences in our restaurants where
              members of staff have received severe shocks from faulty
     4        items of electrical equipment"?
              A.  Yes.
         Q.   "Unfortunately, I have not been notified of these
     6        accidents at the time they occurred".
              A.  It does say that, yes.
         Q.   Then it says:  "I must be notified"?
     8        A.  Yes.
     9   Q.   Is it true, that is, on 17th February 1992 in the Northern
    10        A.  It is, yes.
    11   Q.   Is it true that Mark Hopkins was electrocuted by
              electrical equipment on 12th October 1992 in the Northern
    12        region?
              A.  I do not remember the date.
         Q.   I am sure it will not be challenged;' it is 12th October
    14        1992.  Would this memo have also been sent to
    15        A.  I do not know.  It may very well have been but I do
              not know.
         Q.   Do you think it should have been sent to headquarters?
    17        A.  Not necessarily, no.
    18   MR. JUSTICE BELL:  Are you talking about the memorandum on page
         MR. MORRIS:  773.  You do not think it should necessarily have
    20        been sent to headquarters?
              A.  Not necessarily.  The man is responsible for his
    21        region.  He is taking action based on something that
              happened in his region. Whether or not it went onward to
    22        other parts of the country are not an issue for him to
              decide.  He has certainly copied supervisors, senior
    23        supervisors, Paul, Nigel and Peter- Peter Richards I take
              to be the regional manager at the time.
              It would have been Peter's decision as to what he did with
    25        it. I do not know what he did with it.  He may well have
              forwarded copies on to other people, but I do not know 
    26        from here. 
    27   MR. JUSTICE BELL:  The supervisors will be supervisors of a
              group stores, will they?
    28        A.  Normally, sir, there will be an individual charged
              with over-seeing the activity of between three and five
    29        restaurants.
    30   Q.   Seniors?
              A.  They will be charged with over-seeing the activity of

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