Day 007 - 06 Jul 94 - Page 20
1 Q. Why would it matter if there were that increase in carbon
2 A. Carbon dioxide is a greenhouse gas.
3 Q. It is thought to contribute to global warming?
A. Correct.
Q. Are you intending to progress towards a greater use of
5 carbon dioxide in your sourcing McDonald's packaging?
A. Yes, we are moving in that direction.
Q. Now I would like you to take a different angle -- sorry
7 about this, but that is how it has turned out -- can you
go back to, first of all, I hope this is right, the yellow
8 file III, please. Turn back to the beginning of the file
behind divider 3?
9 A. OK.
10 Q. This is your first statement made in this case?
A. OK.
Q. The first document after your statement is a Perseco
12 document dated 25th August 1989?
A. Correct.
Q. Have you got that?
14 A. I do.
15 Q. It appears to have been written by you?
A. Yes.
Q. As you can see, it has six pages, right?
17 A. Yes.
18 Q. If you turn straightaway to the last page, if you will?
A. Yes.
Q. You see the first square black blob under "Environmental
20 Impact"?
A. Yes.
Q. Do you have that?
22 A. Yes, I do.
23 Q. What is Formacel S, or was it?
A. Formacel S is Dupont's trade name for HCFC 22.
Q. This document is dated 25th August 1989. "Formacel S has
25 1/20th" - we might say 5 per cent - "of the ozone
depletion potential of CFC 12"?
26 A. At that time, that was a correct statement.
27 Q. That is what you believed to be the case at the time?
A. That is what the environmental scientists at the time
28 were saying.
29 Q. The only page we need to look at, presently speaking, in
this document, so far as I am concerned at the moment,
30 there are two pages actually, the second page, some
sections headed "HCFC 22 support", you give some figures