Day 008 - 07 Jul 94 - Page 19
1 MR. RAMPTON: Now I want to move from a strictly environmental
consideration, this topic reusables versus disposables,
2 although what I am going to ask you next some might
consider to be an environmental question. Can I press it
3 in this way? Do you know something called the Fairfax
County Study which was done in 1989?
4 A. Yes, I am very familiar with that.
5 Q. What did that study?
A. What that study explored was comparing permanent wear
6 usage in food service operations like ours compared to
disposable packaging from a public health view point. In
7 the conclusions of that study I saw that there was a far
superior advantage in using disposable packaging in the
8 food service business like ours to minimise bacteria and
micro-organisms being transferred to the food that people
9 eat. The numbers were substantially better for disposable
packaging versus permanent wear.
Q. Have you pink 4 there still?
11 A. Yes.
12 Q. Turn to the second divider 2. I want you to look at the
front of the document first of all.
13 A. Yes.
14 Q. What is the Coalition of North Eastern Governors?
A. It is called CONEG for short. CONEG was probably the
15 first major initiative in the United States to form a
partnership between a select few companies, as a matter of
16 fact seven companies, seven States and seven non-profit
organisations; so I believe it was 21 organisations in
17 total working in partnership to examine how we
collectively could reduce our packaging in the
18 environment. McDonald's was a founding member of the
board of directors of CONEG and I represented McDonald's
19 at CONEG with this major initiative.
20 Q. The North Eastern Governors are, I take it, governors of
the North Eastern States of the United States?
21 A. Yes.
22 Q. McDonald's made a presentation to that council?
A. Yes.
Q. The Source Reduction Council?
24 A. Yes.
25 Q. Within this document there are a number of different
papers by different people, is that right?
26 A. Correct.
27 Q. I will give you a page number in a moment. Page 60. This
paper is headed "The Public Health Impact of
28 Disposables". It is presented by Charles Felix. Who is
Charles Felix, MPH, Mr. Langert?
29 A. I believe that stands for a Masters in Public Health
and my contact with Charles Felix was at the meeting I was
30 at when I met him, so his experience is in the public
health area.