Day 011 - 12 Jul 94 - Page 17
When this happens at the primary height of the ozone, it
2 is possible to get almost complete destruction of the
ozone at a particular altitude above the earth.
Q. That has been going on for a number of years in an
4 observable way, has it not?
A. Yes, the first definitive identification of the
5 destruction process was made by Farman's Group of the
British Antarctic Survey, who had been making spot
6 measurements in Antarctica for a very long period of time.
7 Q. Since about 1956?
A. Yes.
Q. The question I need you to answer, if you can, is this:
9 When was it first suspected that CFCs might be making a
contribution to this undesirable phenomenon?
10 A. Well, the first postulation was the Rowland and Molina
postulation which is 1974.
Q. How did matters proceed thereafter, so far as the
12 identification of both of the culprit and the means by
which it did its work? How did it proceed from there from
13 about 1974? Was this a matter of discussion amongst the
scientific community?
14 A. It was a considerable matter of discussion.
Basically, the answer was not arrived at until the 1980s,
15 when people actually flew aircraft into the Antarctic
clouds and actually managed to detect some of the
16 chemicals which were believed to be doing the damage,
particularly chlorine monoxide.
Subsequently, satellite observations have been made,
18 particularly by an instrument called the microwave limb
sounder, which is still operating at the moment, which has
19 allowed simultaneous measurements to be made of both the
hole in the ozone and the concentration of the chlorine
20 monoxide in both the Arctic and Antarctic regions. In
fact, although the first postulate was 1974, the hard
21 evidence has really only been available or has been
accumulated over about the last six or seven years.
Q. What is the United Kingdom Stratospheric Ozone Review
23 Group?
A. The United Kingdom Stratospheric Ozone Review Group
24 was a review group of scientists -- it is a mixture of
government and university establishments which were set up
25 by the United Kingdom Government to advise it on the
potential danger ----
MR. JUSTICE BELL: Just pause a moment, please?
MR. RAMPTON: You were saying, Professor Duxbury, the
28 Stratospheric Ozone Review Group, may I call it SORG for
29 A. Yes.
30 Q. - is composed of a mixture of government and independent