Day 043 - 01 Nov 94 - Page 53

     1        in the United States and Hispanic areas, where a store
     2        might be in an area which has a number of Hispanic
     3        children, we will ensure that the Ronald who might go to
     4        that particular store can also converse with the children
     5        in Spanish, as well.
     7   Q.   So Japanese Ronald does not look much different from
     8        American ronald mcdonald?
     9        A.  No.  His name is a bit different; he is called
    10        Donald McDonald in Japan.
    12   Q.   That is, presumably, because of the difficulty with the
    13        initial R?
    14        A.  I believe so.
    16   Q.   Can I ask you briefly about Japan, since I have mentioned
    17        it, Mr. Green.  Have you been to Japan?
    18        A.  Yes, I have.
    20   Q.   In your business capacity?
    21        A.  Yes.  Japan is really one of the only countries in the
    22        world that I have visited on a business capacity.
    24   Q.   How many times?
    25        A.  I have been there eight, 10 times.
    27   Q.   Do you know somebody called -- I will get his name right if
    28        I look at it -- Dan Fujita?
    29        A.  Yes. I believe it is D-E-N, Fujita.
    31   Q.   Den Fujita -- who is he?
    32        A.  Mr. Fujita is the head of the company in Japan.  He is
    33        what we call a joint venture partner, and we are in a joint
    34        venture with him in Japan for the restaurants there.
    36   Q.   When did McDonald's start in Japan, do you know?
    37        A.  You know, I do not know the exact date.  I believe it
    38        was in the late 70s, but I am not sure of that date; it
    39        could have been earlier.
    41   Q.   Does McDonald's have any direct competition in Japan?
    42        A.  Oh, yes, we have a lot of competition in Japan.  In
    43        fact, our biggest competitor there is an outfit called
    44        Lotteria; and, as the Japanese are very good at doing, they
    45        almost copied us exactly.
    47   Q.   What, hamburgers and fries and milkshakes?
    48        A.  Yes, almost the exact same menu.  There are a number of
    49        competitors in Japan who have the same kind of menu.
    51   Q.   Has Mr. Fujita been part of the McDonald's enterprise in 
    52        Japan since it began? 
    53        A.  Yes.  He was the original joint venture partner and is
    54        still, I believe, the head of the company there.
    56   Q.   I would like you to look at something.  It is page 428 of
    57        the book by Mr. John Love called McDonald's Behind the
    58        Arches.  May I pass it up?  I have flagged and yellowed the
    59        passage I wish you to look at.  You see in the middle of
    60        that page a paragraph begins 426:  "Fujita had

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