Day 059 - 01 Dec 94 - Page 21
1 A. Around 80 per cent, 82 per cent.
3 Q. What I was going to ask you was this: I suppose from time
4 to time a restaurant will run out of the supplies of
5 leaflets, the ones that are put in the restaurant?
6 A. Yes, they could do.
8 Q. What happens next? How is it ensured that there is a
9 constant supply, if indeed it is ensured, in the
10 restaurants?
11 A. The Communications Department is responsible for
12 ensuring that the distribution centres have a constant
13 supply of leaflets. The distribution centres are
14 responsible for making sure the restaurants have a constant
15 supply of leaflets. But it is possible if there were heavy
16 demand that from time to time a restaurant could run out of
17 leaflets. In that event, they would normally try to borrow
18 leaflets from another restaurant to tied them over until
19 they get a delivery.
21 Q. Is the appearance for the provision of these leaflets in
22 the restaurant a matter of choice for the manager or is he,
23 as it were, persuaded or compelled by the company?
24 A. He is obligated to keep a supply of leaflets in the
25 restaurant.
27 Q. What about the franchisee, what is his position?
28 A. He is also obligated to keep a supply in the restaurant
29 and, in fact, wants to.
31 Q. Can you just turn over now, please, to tab 10? Information
32 for the customer with diabetes. That is 1986 and then
33 there is a similar document in tab 11 for 1989, and a
34 similar one in tab 12 for 1991. Do you see that?
35 A. Yes, I do.
37 Q. Do you know the availability of these diabetic information
38 leaflets?
39 A. Not directly; all of these are before my time.
41 Q. Yes, I see.
43 MR. RAMPTON: My Lord, I think at this stage it is appropriate
44 I tell your Lordship something (which, if necessary, we can
45 get evidence about, but I doubt it will be) which I did not
46 know at the time and which produces something of a comical
47 result: Your Lordship may remember that when Professor
48 Keen was giving evidence I showed him an American diabetic
49 leaflet which he described, I think, as incomprehensible.
50 I then showed him these British ones and he said he thought
51 they were excellent. I did not know then, but do know now,
52 that, in fact, it was Professor Keen who advised on the
53 content of these leaflets, so that it may be that his
54 answer "they were excellent" is not altogether surprising;
55 I thought your Lordship ought to know that.
57 MR. JUSTICE BELL: Thank you for letting me know. One wonders
58 if he was shown the American one to give him some idea of
59 what was required and thought he could do rather better.