Day 062 - 06 Dec 94 - Page 05
1 Q. Suppose it was suggested to you, Mr. Van Erp -- I dare say
2 it will be in due course -- that McDonald's professed
3 public concern for the environment is simply a marketing
4 device; what is your reaction it that?
5 A. Well, simply a marketing device is not a good term.
6 One of the -- the aim of McDonald's is to please the
7 customer, and if he can, if McDonald's can make sure that
8 the customer feels himself good, himself/herself good,
9 while visiting a McDonald's and one of those reasons is
10 environmental, is the environment, then McDonald's will
11 surely do so. However, I think what I have seen besides
12 that is that McDonald's realises that environmental
13 consciousness, environmental awareness, goes hand in hand
14 with being environmentally proactive, instead of awaiting
15 legislation, awaiting when technological developments come
16 along to hop on a bandwagon. They have found that it pays,
17 it is a market-driven, an economic incentive driven
18 development as well.
20 Q. In working for Perseco, Mr. Van Erp, do you deal with
21 suppliers -- manufacturers, I mean, or different suppliers
22 of packaging -- in different parts of Europe?
23 A. Yes.
25 Q. Do you know whether McDonald's have sufficient financial
26 muscle in that market to affect the environmental practices
27 of those suppliers?
28 A. Yes, definitely.
30 Q. To what extent are questions of environmental initiatives
31 left for you to bring out and to what extent do they come
32 from McDonald's in your partnership with McDonald's?
33 A. That varies. We have got -- McDonald's have basically
34 placed all responsibilities for, all the main
35 responsibilities for, packaging with ourselves. So, on a
36 day-to-day basis, I would say the main input comes from our
37 side. I myself visit most of the suppliers on a relatively
38 regular basis. I do quality assurance audits and
39 environmental audits with them, and at that point in time
40 I will try to focus their minds on environmental management
41 on a day-to-day basis.
43 If we are talking about specific environmental
44 developments, then sometimes the main push is from
45 McDonald's; if a specific country has specific
46 requirements, the push may come from McDonald's.
47 McDonald's may also say: "We have got this problem. Solve
48 it for us. Solve it with the supplier for us. See what
49 you can do in an area where a material can no longer be
50 used or less material should be used", something like that.
52 Q. I would like, before I come on to the different kinds of
53 packaging that are used by McDonald's, to ask you some
54 general questions. Do you, Mr. Van Erp, try to keep up
55 with the environmental aspects of different forms of
56 materials used for packaging?
57 A. Yes.
59 Q. Have you, for example, you yourself personally, I mean, or
60 your department in Perseco considered, for example, the