Day 070 - 20 Dec 94 - Page 05
1 which rings any bells with Mr. Cesca or anyone within his
2 department then, plainly, he will have to go through it
3 with a fine tooth comb, and if there is anything which
4 strikes a chord in his mind, he will no doubt say what it
5 is. It is of course an entirely separate question whether
6 those documents, if they ever did exist, and Dr. Gomez
7 Gonzalez is talking of something different from what
8 I think he is talking about, whether they do still exist.
9 My Lord, I cannot answer that question at the moment.
11 MR. JUSTICE BELL: What occurs to me, Mr. Morris -- which is not
12 to just brush under the carpet any application or argument
13 you may have to make about discovery in a field where
14 Mr. Cesca may be able to help -- is what might be more
15 productive is if one waits -- and it will involve waiting
16 until early next term, that is, after the vacation which is
17 coming -- to see, firstly, whether there is any movement
18 once Mr. Rampton has had a time to consider the transcript
19 of Dr. Gomez Gonzalez' evidence so far, and Mr. Cesca has
20 had an opportunity to consider that, and any efforts which
21 are to be made are made to see if documents to which
22 Dr. Gomez Gonzalez appeared to be referring in his evidence
23 are, in fact, still in existence.
25 MR. RAMPTON: Or if they are any different from the documents
26 that we have already got.
28 MR. JUSTICE BELL: Yes. If they are any different from the
29 documents which have so far been disclosed. Do you see the
30 possible advantage of that, rather than fighting the shadow
31 that the Plaintiffs, rightly or wrongly, are saying, and
32 Mr. Cesca has sworn, that documents in the categories you
33 are interested in no longer exist, if they ever existed?
35 MR. MORRIS: Yes.
37 MR. JUSTICE BELL: I am not deterring you from making a specific
38 point. What I want you to do is think about that, because
39 there seems to be some advantage in that.
41 MR. MORRIS: It gives us time to consider the affidavit. The
42 only thing that worries me is that these kind of matters
43 that linger on for a long time do put us under strain, not
44 just in terms of work-load and seeking advice and things
45 like that, but also in terms of remembering to bring things
46 up and when to bring things up. Obviously, this one has
47 been going on since discovery started in February, whenever
48 it was, 1993 -- last year.
50 MR. JUSTICE BELL: I am very well aware of that. It would be
51 much more satisfactory if the matter could be dealt with
52 here and now. What occurs to me is, if it were dealt with
53 here and now in accordance with what is the normal
54 procedure, I would just say, "Well, at the moment I must
55 accept what Mr. Cesca has sworn to in his affidavit in
56 relation to discovery"-- do you see -- whereas if one
57 waits, reluctant as one is just to put the matter over, the
58 matter being any application you may have for specific
59 discover in this field, you may get more information.