Day 072 - 12 Jan 95 - Page 13

     1        Appeal which is a very, very important principle and could
     2        be a big problem in the future unless the test which Lord
     3        Justice Leggatt has interpreted in a very reasonable way
     4        for the party obtaining discovery.
     6        I can see in this case, although documents up to now have
     7        not been blanked out very often -- we are talking about two
     8        documents, basically, this set and the nutrition document
     9        which was disclosed in the end after a year's effort which
    10        we would -- I want to make another point on that while I am
    11        on to it which is it is our belief that document was
    12        relevant.
    14   MR. JUSTICE BELL:  I do not think that can really affect this
    15        case because if this issue arises as it has arisen now and
    16        may, I do not know, arise in the future, I have to deal
    17        with it specifically.
    19   MR. MORRIS:  But I can imagine, bearing in mind what happened in
    20        the past, that future documents disclosed start appearing
    21        with blank spaces and it can become a problem.  So, I am
    22        not saying that these particular documents are the most
    23        important documents in the whole case; I think they are
    24        important.  I think we have a right to see them and that
    25        this application may need to be made again in the future.
    27        I am not being silly, but we do feel this is a matter of
    28        principle that is appealable if we feel the decision goes
    29        against us.  I am not saying that we would do so in every
    30        case because, you know, it depends how strongly you feel
    31        about any particular set of documents, but I think that
    32        there is an important matter of principle here, and that
    33        the documents could reasonably be supposed that they may,
    34        directly or indirectly, relate to issues in the case.
    36   MR. JUSTICE BELL:  Do you want to saying more in reply?
    38              (For Ruling please see separate transcript)
    40                           (Short adjournment)
    42                       Mr. STACEY STUMP, Recalled.
    43                Cross-Examined by the Defendants, continued.
    45   MS. STEEL:   You were mentioning about the trash walk, that
    46        there is a map in the store?
    47        A.  Yes, there is.
    49   Q.   What exactly does the map show?
    50        A.  It would just show the streets in which the trash walk 
    51        had to be completed and a description of what had to be 
    52        done. 
    54   Q.   How is that marked, did you say, and a description of what
    55        had to be done?
    56        A.  Yes.
    58   Q.   That is still at the restaurant now, is it?
    59        A.  Yes, it will be.

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