Day 075 - 17 Jan 95 - Page 09

     1        financially except by them.
     3   Q.   What does it cost McDonald's annually to fund this scheme?
     4        A.  £125,000.
     6   Q.   You mentioned 25 town centres; are we talking about small
     7        market towns or large cities or what?
     8        A.  There is a variety.  It obviously varies from year to
     9        year but it covers a full range of towns.  They are mostly
    10        large towns or cities.
    12   Q.   It has been going now then for, what, three years?
    13        A.  This year will be the fourth year.
    15   Q.   Do you see it as being effective?
    16        A.  That is a quite difficult question to answer, but the
    17        numbers of people that are involved and whose interest is,
    18        therefore, engaged is significant.  I could tell you that
    19        the local authorities in whose areas it has taken place are
    20        extremely enthusiastic about it as providing a means of
    21        drawing attention to the environment/index.html">litter problem in a novel way.
    22        Whilst it is not statistically possible to establish
    23        whether or not individuals concerned are better
    24        subsequently in their environment/index.html">litter behaviour, it is our belief
    25        that they are.
    27   Q.   Next paragraph, what about National Spring Clean.  It is
    28        not actually National Spring Clean Day, I understand, is
    29        it?
    30        A.  No, it covers a ten-day period.
    32   Q.   It is a ten-day event, as it were, is it?
    33        A.  Yes.
    35   Q.   What does that consist of?
    36        A.  That is an annual programme in which we seek to engage
    37        the activities of as many members of the general public as
    38        possible in a natural clean up after the winter period and
    39        in the clearance of areas that have become littered or
    40        disfigured.
    42        We know from the registrations that we get that, in fact,
    43        involves something in excess of 2 million people each
    44        year.  Last year it was 2.3 million people.  In order to be
    45        able to run such a campaign, we seek the support in cash
    46        and in kind from many different sorts of organisations.
    47        Included in that list of organisations is McDonald's who
    48        will be willing to do a number of things, including
    49        sometimes to finance, perhaps, some clothing that makes the
    50        clean up easier, or they maybe happy to (and frequently are 
    51        happy to) provide distribution of our materials that we 
    52        use.  They will also encourage their restaurant managers 
    53        and staff to support activities in the location where they
    54        operate.
    56   Q.   Next and penultimately, Professor Ashworth, you mention in
    57        paragraph 13 that McDonald's has received the Queen
    58        Mother's Birthday Award for Environmental Improvement on
    59        two occasions.  What exactly is the Queen Mother's Birthday
    60        Award for Environmental Improvement?

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