Day 075 - 17 Jan 95 - Page 20

     1        kind of issues to do with landfill?
     2        A.  Yes, it is a matter of interest but, I mean, the
     3        concern, the primary -- I mean, I am personally of interest
     4        in those issues, but the primary concern of the Tidy
     5        Britain Group is to ensure that waste does not get
     6        irresponsibly disposed of on to the streets.  If the
     7        management of waste gives rise to that problem, then it is
     8        a matter of interest to us.  But, whether or not it is
     9        managed by being disposed in landfill or by being dealt
    10        with in some other matter, that is not a matter of primary
    11        concern to the Tidy Britain Group.
    13   Q.   But, speaking personally, when you say or when the European
    14        proposal says that it is a priority to reduce, as far as
    15        possible, the volume of the waste stream, then one of the
    16        concerns will be the management of the waste when it is
    17        finally disposed of or put somewhere, whether it is in a
    18        landfill or incinerated, yes?
    19        A.  Yes.
    21   Q.   Are you aware of the problems to do with landfill
    22        management?
    23        A.  Yes.
    25   Q.   Could you indicate some of the problems?
    26        A.  Well, I think that -- I mean, I do not think they yet
    27        apply to this country but some of the problems that are
    28        associated with landfill are what people perceive to be a
    29        lack of space in which to dispose of waste in that way, and
    30        the importance of managing waste dealt with in that way so
    31        that there are no adverse environmental consequences.  That
    32        is, obviously, a proper consideration of management.
    34        But, my own view is that there will need to be a
    35        significant shift in thinking from regarding waste as a
    36        problem to seeing it as a resource, and once that mental
    37        shift takes place, then the way in which we treat waste
    38        will become very different.  The sorts of problems that are
    39        currently perceived to be very great will actually shift
    40        and alter.
    42   Q.   There is a large number of landfill sites in this country,
    43        yes, full of collected waste.  Are people that live near
    44        those landfill sites happy to have waste dumps or -----
    46   MR. RAMPTON:  My Lord, I do not believe that Professor Ashworth
    47        can answer that.
    49   MR. MORRIS:  I do not know.  Is it something that they have
    50        contacted the Tidy Britain Group or something in your 
    51        experience? 
    53   MR. JUSTICE BELL:  Have you experienced that?
    55   THE WITNESS:  Which question is it you are asking me?
    57   MR. JUSTICE BELL:  Have you experience of complaints of people
    58        who live near landfill sites complaining about them?
    59        A.  Not to the Tidy Britain Group, no.

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