Day 077 - 25 Jan 95 - Page 18

     1        specification or audit form for animal welfare.  One of the
     2        things we notice when we look at it is it says they have to
     3        have clean water they when they arrive in the layerage?
     4        A.  Yes.
     6   Q.   Would the vet look at that sort of thing to see if it was
     7        watered?
     8        A.  Yes, yes, he would.
    10   Q.   What is his postmortem function?
    11        A.  Postmortem is disease, checking the work of the
    12        environmental health officers.  I think it should be made
    13        very clear that the whole system is just changing now to
    14        the new national organisation which has been set up
    15        headquartered in York but, as we speak today, he has to
    16        check all the animals to make sure they are fit for human
    17        consumption.
    19   Q.   Does he issue any kind of certificate to that effect?
    20        A.  Oh, yes.  When meat moves from an EEC abattoir, it must
    21        be accompanied by a health certificate signed by a
    22        veterinary officer, or now he can sign the commercial
    23        document.  It is called the "commercial document".  It has
    24        just been done to try to cut down the amount of paper that
    25        is travelling with beef and with cattle.
    27   Q.   Tell us again, in general terms, please, if you will, what
    28        about the men from the Ministry; what is their function?
    29        How often do they come?
    30        A.  To the abattoir?
    32   Q.   Yes, to the abattoir?
    33        A.  An abattoir has to have two inspections a year.  They
    34        are marked accordingly and there is a minimum mark which
    35        they must obtain to keep their EEC licence.
    37   Q.   The EC licence, presumably, has do with food safety,
    38        amongst other things, hygiene?
    39        A.  Yes.
    41   Q.   Does it have any aspect which has to do with animal
    42        welfare?  Are the MAFF men interested in animal welfare or
    43        not?
    44        A.  Yes, as I have said to you, the veterinary officer is
    45        responsible for the antemortem and the antemortem does
    46        include the animal welfare.  Let me give you an example.
    47        The regulations now even control the cleanliness of the
    48        truck.  The EEC law now says that all abattoirs must have a
    49        truck washing point.  Before it leaves the truck is washed.
    51   Q.   Take an example, suppose it came to the attention of MAFF 
    52        that a particular abattoir was using an inefficient method 
    53        of stunning before sticking; what would be the effect on
    54        that abattoir's licence, if any?
    55        A.  It would be taken away.
    57   Q.   It would, would it?
    58        A.  Oh, yes, and once it is taken away it is extremely
    59        difficult to get it repossessed.

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