Day 081 - 31 Jan 95 - Page 04
1 was it slaughtering?
2 A. Pigs, sheep, cattle, calves and occasionally goats.
4 Q. Have you experience of abattoirs in any other part of the
5 country?
6 A. Yes, several, in the Potteries, in Stoke-on-Trent.
8 Q. Have you had any experience, apart from what you may have
9 gained in this case or in connection with this case, of the
10 slaughter and the processing of chickens?
11 A. Yes, I have been around chicken slaughterhouses.
13 Q. You have made a statement for the purposes of this case on
14 behalf of the Plaintiffs. In so far as I do not ask you
15 questions about it, or arising from it, are you content
16 that that statement should stand as your evidence-in-chief
17 in this case?
18 A. Yes.
20 Q. Does an EHO have when he visits abattoirs or meat
21 processing plants any concern about animal welfare?
22 A. To the extent that during the inspection the animals
23 must be inspected before slaughter, there is concern about
24 the welfare.
26 Q. For what purpose might an animal be inspected before
27 slaughter by an EHO?
28 A. To ascertain if there is any disease or any injury.
30 Q. Do we deduce then that one's principal concern in that role
31 as an EHO is with human health?
32 A. Yes.
34 Q. For the purpose of this case, I think on three successive
35 days in January last year, 10th, 11th and 12th, I think it
36 was, you visited McKey's chicken processing plant in
37 Herefordshire, is that right, on 10th?
38 A. Sun Valley, you mean?
40 Q. I am sorry, I do not mean McKey, I mean Sun Valley. If it
41 helps you, have you a copy of your statement there?
42 A. Yes.
44 Q. Please do open it if there is any detail you need to refer
45 to. Then I think on 11th you went to G.D. Bowes & Sons, a
46 pig establishment in Norfolk?
47 A. Yes.
49 Q. Then on 12th you visited both -- I do not know in what
50 order -- Midland Meat Packers slaughterhouse at Crick in
51 Northampton and McKey's Food Services at Milton Keynes?
52 A. I did in the other order -- McKey's first.
54 Q. McKey's first. I am not going to ask you a great deal
55 about any of those visits because you have written about
56 them in your report for this case, Professor Jackson. But
57 I will take them, so far as I do go to them, in that order,
58 save that I will come to McKey last because it is the end
59 of the chain. Do you follow? Can I take each one in turn
60 and ask you the same question about each one? Starting,