Day 082 - 01 Feb 95 - Page 04

     1        argued than this before being willing to argue it.  As to
     2        the rest of it, I do not understand, for example, item (3).
     4   MR. JUSTICE BELL:  Shall I tell you what has occurred to me
     5        because I have written on the bottom of mine as well
     6        "BSE"?
     8   MR. MORRIS:  That is No. 3, in fact.
    10   MR. JUSTICE BELL:  No. 3, is it?  I see, right.  Thank you.
    11        What had occurred to me as a possibility, did you say
    12        yesterday that you were hoping to talk about the BSE point
    13        with someone tomorrow, Thursday?
    15   MS. STEEL:  Yes.
    17   MR. MORRIS:  We tried to get advice last night but we could
    18        not.  So, we certainly would like to wait on that issue
    19        until Friday and it, therefore, may be better to have a
    20        legal day.
    22   MR. JUSTICE BELL:  Shall I tell you my suggestion?  It might be
    23        worth spending a little time now, without actually arguing
    24        the case, elaborating on what you have in mind in relation
    25        to this.  We could then go away until Friday morning and
    26        have the argument on the matters on Friday, including the
    27        BSE.
    29   MR. MORRIS:  That is a good idea, I think.
    31   MS. STEEL:  I think that there were some things you were going
    32        to say to us about some of these matters as well, were
    33        there not?
    35   MR. JUSTICE BELL:  There was something I had in mind on
    36        nutrition.  There is also something I have in mind on
    37        discovery generally.  What do you say about that,
    38        Mr. Rampton?
    40   MR. RAMPTON:  My Lord, I am not much concerned when the argument
    41        is heard.  I have said my first part.  All I have to do is
    42        reply so far as the BSE argument is concerned.  It so
    43        happens that for administrative reasons, neither
    44        Mrs. Brinley-Codd nor I would find -- this is to do with
    45        the case; it is not on personal grounds, so far as she is
    46        concerned at least -- Friday particularly convenient.  We
    47        have not often asked for indulgence.
    49        We have only one witness listed for next week which is
    50        Mr. Atherton.  It is my intention, so far as I am able, to 
    51        keep him fairly short in-chief, but it would be our 
    52        respectful, I would not say a submission, it would be a 
    53        request or an invitation to your Lordship, to say that
    54        perhaps Monday morning would be a better time.
    56   MR. JUSTICE BELL:  Monday?
    58   MR. RAMPTON:  Monday morning would be a better time to have the
    59        legal arguments.  One reason for that is that I would
    60        invite the Defendants to be rather more specific than they

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