Day 082 - 01 Feb 95 - Page 19

     2   MR. JUSTICE BELL:  What they have said is that the statement
     3        that the leaflet is lies -- that is a simplification no
     4        doubt -- is justified, that that is true.
     6   MR. MORRIS:  Yes, Mr. Rampton said in December in that
     7        transcript of that hearing when he summed up the case that
     8        they were saying the words in the London Greenpeace fact
     9        sheet were not true.  So, it was not just a question
    10        of -----
    12   MR. JUSTICE BELL:  I have had things to say on that from time to
    13        time, and I would like you to be ready with, if you want to
    14        raise that topic again, chapter and verse as to where
    15        I have made a ruling or expressed a view about that.  If
    16        you find out where you have raised it, you will find out
    17        where I have said something o about it.  It is a point
    18        which has been raised more than once.
    20   MR. MORRIS:  Yes.
    22   MR. RAMPTON:  One of your Lordship's recent rulings (I am saying
    23        this for the Defendants' benefit) is to the effect that my
    24        submission was right, that I do not by pleading a defence
    25        of justification to the counterclaim undertake the burden
    26        of proving the falsity of all the words in the leaflet.
    27        I can pick and choose, if I am right, I can choose enough
    28        that I say is false and that satisfies your Lordship that
    29        the defensive leaflet is substantially true. That is
    30        already in a ruling.
    32   MS. STEEL:  I think I understand that he can choose which parts
    33        he wants to think are false, he wants to claim are false,
    34        in a similar way we did not necessarily have to defend the
    35        whole leaflet.  But I think Mr. Rampton should have to say
    36        which parts he is saying are false.  When he says that he
    37        should have to prove that they are false.
    39   MR. JUSTICE BELL:  I understand the area in which you wish to
    40        argue further.  It would be helpful to me if you can point
    41        me at where we have dealt with it in the past or where it
    42        has come up in the past.
    44   MR. MORRIS:  Expert visits:  This comes up, obviously our
    45        experts have not been allowed to visit slaughterhouses, in
    46        general, and it appears that slaughterhouses have not been
    47        asked by the Plaintiffs on this matter, and in the light of
    48        what Mr. Walker said about the reasons why they have not
    49        been asked.
    51   MR. JUSTICE BELL:  Have you actually written to any of the 
    52        slaughterhouses which you do know the identity of to ask if 
    53        someone can inspect them on your behalf?
    55   MR. MORRIS:  No. That is what we were going to ask about, what
    56        is the proper course to take if a plaintiff refuses to ask
    57        a third party for facilities for our experts?
    59   MR. JUSTICE BELL:  I may need some assistance on that but,
    60        essentially, although an abattoir which you have in

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