Day 083 - 06 Feb 95 - Page 04
1 are being poisoned by food.
3 I would say also that, in fact, BSE has been mentioned by
4 two other of our witnesses; it is mentioned in the
5 statement of Alan Long which was served in July 1993, and
6 also by Marla Lisa Hovey.
8 Furthermore, Mr. Rampton has brought the issue into the
9 case on day 66, which is Wednesday, 14th December 1994, on
10 page 14 starting at line 28. Mr. Rampton asked Dr. Gomez
11 Gonzales about whether BSE was transmissible to humans. He
12 actually asked him whether he had studied the question of
13 whether the existence of BSE in cattle presents any
14 significant hazard to human health.
16 Dr. Gomez Gonzales asserted that research that has been
17 documented supports the fact that there is no direct link
18 or risk associated with the consumption of beef that comes
19 from animals that have BSE, that there is no risk to
20 humans.
22 Mr. Rampton, obviously, felt it was a relevant issue at the
23 time and was happy for it to be part of the case then,
24 because we did not appear to be calling any evidence to
25 rebut what Dr. Gomez Gonzales said about transmissibility
26 to humans. Mr. Rampton cannot pick and choose which issues
27 are to remain in the case, depending on whether it looks
28 like the evidence is going his way or not. Obviously, it
29 would be grossly unfair if he was able to do that.
31 I am not sure what the position is on the Crush v. New
32 Zealand case which was mentioned by Mr. Rampton in relation
33 to this.
35 MR. JUSTICE BELL: If I understand Mr. Rampton's point
36 correctly, it is this, that you should not be able to plead
37 facts justifying an allegation which is not capable of
38 being defamatory at all. It is not defamatory to say that
39 someone sells a product which is bad or not good in
40 itself. It must reflect in some way on, for instance, the
41 good faith or honesty or competence of the Plaintiff.
43 MS. STEEL: If that is the case, then I would argue that the
44 Plaintiffs should not be able to sue over something which
45 is just about a product rather than about a company.
46 I would draw your attention to the fact that the entire box
47 on food poisoning does not mention McDonald's once.
49 Despite the Plaintiffs' misrepresentation of this issue,
50 this part of the leaflet is simply saying that meat
51 products carry the greatest risk of food poisoning. They
52 have chosen to sue over this part of the leaflet and,
53 therefore, we should be entitled to defend the leaflet by
54 whatever means.
56 Mr. Rampton said he thought it was only the last four
57 paragraphs of Mr. Dealer's statement that related to
58 McDonald's, but in fact the whole statement is about the
59 risks to human health of eating beef. Clearly, Mr. Dealer
60 considers that there is a risk that people will be harmed