Day 088 - 13 Feb 95 - Page 11
1 chilled and there are on through the factory as the process
2 takes place.
4 Q. Will you test it, for example, at the deboning stage?
5 A. Yes, we will.
7 Q. Tell me something, if you will, apart from McKey, without
8 infringing any commercial confidence unless we have to, do
9 your customers come and monitor your activities for
10 hygiene?
11 A. Yes.
13 Q. Do they all do it?
14 A. Yes -- no, all our British customers do.
16 Q. Yes. Do McKey's visit your premises?
17 A. Yes, they do.
19 Q. About how often?
20 A. I would say that the McKey audit team come roughly
21 twice a year, but when one looks at the McKey situation
22 they have more than one factory, they have three factories
23 which we supply so we can be subject to six inspections.
25 Q. When they come, do they announce they are coming or do they
26 just turn up?
27 A. No, on the audit procedure, yes, it is a prearranged
28 meeting because what they do to come and inspect our
29 factory is actually to inspect our total auditing that we
30 take place daily and the records that we keep under the
31 Food Act because our British Food Act is the most stringent
32 in the world now, and because we have to keep records by
33 law, they can inspect that. At the same time they will
34 inspect the factory, of course.
36 If I may just go on, sir, I just have one other thing to
37 say on that, we are subject to spot inspections without any
38 prior appointment by our retailers to which, I believe,
39 McKey Services as well.
41 Q. So far as McKey's are concerned, do you have what one might
42 call an "open book policy"?
43 A. Oh, yes, well, not to our profit, sir.
45 Q. Oh, no, no, I meant your microbiological tests, your
46 procedures and so on and so forth?
47 A. Yes.
49 Q. Would you show any of your other retail customers documents
50 which concern your business with McKey's?
51 A. No, we would not.
53 Q. Would you show McKey's people your Sainsbury or your Tesco
54 documents?
55 A. No, we would not.
57 Q. Can we deal, as I said first, with hygiene? I will take
58 it, if I may, from the point of arrival at the
59 slaughterhouse but only briefly. Do you have a problem, as
60 one sometimes, it seems, one does with cattle, of pigs