Day 089 - 15 Feb 95 - Page 06
1 A. It has some very large customers who are major -- the
2 quality supermarkets in this country.
4 Q. Do they account for all or nearly all of the remaining
5 four-fifths?
6 A. They would account, the big ones would account probably
7 for 80 per cent of the remainder and then there is a small
8 number, or a large number of smaller customers who would
9 account for the remainder.
11 Q. Do you take your responsibilities for animal welfare at Sun
12 Valley seriously? Do you care about the state of the birds
13 and how they are treated?
14 A. I do care a lot and I regard it as part of my job to
15 visit facilities, to visit farms, and if anything is
16 unsatisfactory it is part of my job to ensure that the
17 management rectify any problems.
19 Q. Therefore, you make observations, you find a problem, a
20 welfare problem, and you will then make a suggestion for an
21 alteration or an amendment; is that right?
22 A. That is right, but it is a bit more than a suggestion.
23 Because of my position in the Company, I do have ultimate
24 authority and responsibility for that area, so I can make
25 management at whatever level aware of what is necessary and
26 it can be dealt with.
28 Q. What I was going to ask you is this: Some rectifications
29 and improvements cost money, do they not?
30 A. They will do. Very often they do and I have never
31 found any resistance to spending money if there is a
32 genuine concern.
34 Q. If you are genuinely concerned, then the management will
35 not stand in your way, is that it?
36 A. That is it.
38 Q. Are you familiar with the so-called Five Freedoms which
39 have been expressed, I think, in varying terms by such
40 bodies as the FAWC and the RSPCA?
41 A. Yes, I am aware of those and, certainly, they are a
42 broad way of describing animals' requirements.
44 Q. We will have a look at them in a moment, Dr. Pattison. Can
45 I ask you this: Are you aware of the RSPCA's Freedom Food
46 codes?
47 A. Yes, I am.
49 Q. Is there one at present which applies to broiler chickens
50 or not?
51 A. No, there is not.
53 Q. Do you know whether there is one in the pipeline?
54 A. I have heard that there may be, but I have no idea when
55 it might be published.
57 Q. I am afraid you will have to do quite a bit foot work
58 during the course of your evidence -- I mean that
59 literally, not metaphorically -- could you go to those
60 shelves behind you and look for a kingfisher blue file? It