Day 103 - 14 Mar 95 - Page 18

     1        A.  No, it is not.  This is what is done at Sun Valley in
     2        Hereford.
     4   Q.   So less than 20 per cent of the tests done at Sun Valley
     5        are for McDonald's?
     6        A.  That is right.
     8   Q.   So these papers that we are looking at now which are from
     9        France, none of these involved tests done at Sun Valley; is
    10        that correct?
    11        A.  That is correct.
    13   Q.   Does Sun Valley do tests to check on, for example, bone
    14        chips and cartilage before it sends the carcasses to -----
    15        A.  Yes, it does.
    17   Q.   It does?  So it misses out quite a substantial number then?
    18        A.  Those represent actually very small numbers of foreign
    19        bodies, considering the volume of meat involved.
    21   Q.   So, do they do as many tests at the Orleon plant as you do,
    22        roughly the same kind of tests?
    23        A.  Their testing regime is exactly the same.  Our aim in
    24        supplying meat to the Orleon factory is to have no more --
    25        we have a -- we would like to say, ideally, that you have
    26        no bones in 1,000 kilos of meat but, in actual practice,
    27        the level is no more than two bones in 1,000 kilos of
    28        meat.  That is the standard.
    30   MR. JUSTICE BELL:  How many are there in a bin?
    31        A.  A bin is 500 kilos.
    33   MR. MORRIS:  So, for the thigh, for example, you have 19
    34        detected bone chips or cartilage -- no, sorry, out of 22
    35        bins?
    36        A.  Out of 22 bins, so that is 11,000 kilos.
    38   MR. JUSTICE BELL:  Yes.
    39        A.  And you found 19.
    41   MR. JUSTICE BELL:  I was just turning back.  Mr. Morris said 19
    42        out of 22 bins had bone chips or cartilage in and you
    43        said:  "Yes".
    45   MR. MORRIS:  It is on the chart here.
    47   MR. JUSTICE BELL:  I see that, but it does mean 19 bins rather
    48        than 19 bits of bone discovered, does it?
    49        A.  I would have to check.  I am not absolutely sure on
    50        that. 
    52   MR. MORRIS:  So they have exactly the same testing regime, you 
    53        said, as at Sun Valley.  So, the same tests that would be
    54        required for McDonald's at Sun Valley would be required to
    55        be done at Orleon?
    56        A.  Yes, they would.
    58   Q.   So, if you do, say, 60 tests a day at Sun Valley on
    59        McDonald's products out of 300 -- it would be less than
    60        that because it is less than 20 per cent?

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