Day 117 - 27 Apr 95 - Page 05

     1   Q.   Of whom, is this right, 89 originated from crew members?
     2        A.  That is correct.
     4   Q.   I do not desire to draw your attention to any of the
     5        particular figures, except that particular one, 36.3 per
     6        cent which I think corrects the figure you have given in
     7        paragraph 22 of 34.9.
     8        A.  Yes, I think when this was translated into my statement
     9        they have taken the percentage for London and south rather
    10        than the Company total.
    12   Q.   Somebody's eye looks as if it has slipped?
    13        A.  Yes.
    15   Q.   At the bottom we find in the Company Total, the last three
    16        figures, we find  that there were 1,594 salaried managers
    17        of whom 798 had come from crew?
    18        A.  That is correct.
    20   Q.   Making 50.1 per cent?
    21        A.  Yes.
    23   Q.   Have you any reason to doubt the accuracy of these figures?
    24        A.  None at all.
    26   Q.   If we turn to the two-sheet document for 1988, we find a
    27        similar sort of layout.  I ask you to look only at the last
    28        page of that.  In that year, which is the year before,
    29        there were fewer managers?
    30        A.  That is right.
    32   Q.   1,360 -- the number that had come from crew is 673, and the
    33        percentage that had come from crew of the total number of
    34        managers was 49.48 per cent ---
    35        A.  That is right.
    37   Q.   -- which is slightly less than it was in 1989.  Tell me, do
    38        you know whether those proportions have changed
    39        significantly since then?
    40        A.  I would be surprised if they had.  I do not know for
    41        certain, but I would be surprised if it was still slightly
    42        over 50 per cent of all our salaried management that come
    43        from crew.
    45   Q.   These are people who have worked as crew and have become
    46        managers by one route or another?
    47        A.  That is correct.
    49   Q.   Does everybody who applies to become a manager from crew
    50        succeed in his ambition? 
    51        A.  I cannot answer that question.  I am sorry. 
    53   Q.   Can we now move from promotion to pay?  First of all, in
    54        addition to the actual pay which the Company gives to its
    55        crew, do they get any collateral benefits of any kind?
    56        A.  Oh, yes, several.
    58   Q.   What sort?
    59        A.  Well, all crew can earn bonuses.

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