Day 129 - 25 May 95 - Page 05
1 Q. Following that, McDonald's sent out a memo to stores
2 advising them to increase cooking times?
3 A. We did increase the cooking times just after Preston,
4 yes.
6 Q. So you did not take any action at all as a result of seeing
7 the Preston Public Health Laboratory Services' report.
8 A. I really cannot remember. I was not involved at that
9 stage, so I would not know anyway; it was just something
10 I was not involved in. That report came out, as
11 I remember, quite a while after the Preston incident.
13 Q. You say Mr. Wignall was solely responsible for that, was
14 he?
15 A. Quality Assurance did most of the liaison with the
16 Department of Health, and they worked with our Operations
17 people, our senior management and our Operations
18 development people on that.
20 Q. Do you remember any memo being sent out at that time
21 alerting managers to the potential hazard from uneven
22 temperatures on the flat grills?
23 A. I believe there was a memo from Mr. Kevin Haag advising
24 them about the new temperature changes. I cannot remember
25 the details of it. I really do not know whether that was
26 included.
28 Q. You do not remember taking any action to draw attention to
29 other stores -- presumably, the store in Preston, that was
30 not a unique grill, was it?
31 A. As I said, as far as we could ascertain, the grill and
32 the procedures were following our systems at the time.
34 Q. Yet there had been a breakdown?
35 A. We still do not know that. We could not find that
36 anything had been done differently to our procedures.
38 Q. So would that not be a good reason to send out a memo, or a
39 letter, or something, to all the stores to warn them to be
40 extremely careful over this, and to ensure that the grill
41 was working at an even temperature?
42 A. I believe that is why Kevin Haag sent out the memo
43 advising of the increased cooking times, and the reasons
44 why.
46 Q. Apart from the memo to increase grill temperatures, do you
47 know of any other action that was taken, any other measures
48 that were taken in response to the incident?
49 A. I am not quite sure what sorts of measures you are
50 thinking of. What exactly you mean by the question?
52 Q. Any other communication to all the other stores?
53 A. Again, I really cannot remember.
55 Q. You do not remember anything?
56 A. No. I know the memo went out but I really cannot
57 remember what else. It was obviously quite a while ago.
59 Q. Was there a further increase in cooking temperature, or has
60 there been a further increase in cooking temperature since