Day 132 - 07 Jun 95 - Page 13
2 MR. MORRIS (To the witness): What is the turnover of your
3 business, Purslow Associates?
5 MR. JUSTICE BELL: You need not answer that.
7 MR. MORRIS: He can answer that. (To the witness): There is
8 nothing to hide, is there?
10 MR. RAMPTON: My Lord, I object. It is irrelevant.
12 THE WITNESS: I do not see it is relevant.
14 MR. MORRIS: How much do you get from McDonald's then for your
15 business?
17 MR. JUSTICE BELL: No, that is just another way. He has given
18 you a percentage. As far as I am concerned, unless some
19 specific relevance can be shown, enquiries as to witnesses'
20 income, be it net or gross, are an unnecessary intrusion
21 into their privacy. If there is a specific reason, and
22 compelling reason, which shows that it is relevant to an
23 issue in the case, then that is another matter, but
24 otherwise it is an intrusion into privacy which is not
25 justified.
27 MR. MORRIS: In terms of the structure ----
29 MR. JUSTICE BELL: You have a percentage of turnover.
31 MR. MORRIS: Yes.
33 MR. JUSTICE BELL: You can work on that in argument, if you
34 wish, in due course.
36 MR. MORRIS (To the witness): In terms of structure of your
37 company, when you are paid by McDonald's, a part of that
38 pay goes to the company and part goes to you?
39 A. I am a sole trader, in effect.
41 MR. JUSTICE BELL: You are a sole practitioner ---
42 A. Indeed.
44 Q. -- who engages from time to time one, it seems to me, of a
45 small pool of experts who you term your "associates"?
46 A. Entirely so, my Lord.
48 Q. It is a system which works in all sorts of areas of
49 professional expertise?
50 A. Indeed, particularly things like architectural
51 practices and so on and so forth.
53 MS. STEEL: I am not very happy about the fact that we are not
54 allowed to ask about how much witnesses are being paid by
55 McDonald's. Two and a half per cent or two and a half to 5
56 per cent may be £10,000, it might be half a million
57 pounds. Witnesses who are crew people, there is no
58 embarrassment about them having everybody knowing how much
59 they are earning or how much they are getting. It seems
60 that, you know, it is only to save the embarrassment if