Day 135 - 15 Jun 95 - Page 02
1 Thursday, 15th June 1995.
3 MR. RAMPTON: Mr. David Sexton is here.
5 MR. MORRIS: Can I just ask one thing? We have Mr. Peter
6 Sutcliffe here with us. We have not met him before. We
7 were going to ask for have some brief time after Mr. Sexton
8 has given his evidence to have a chat with him.
10 MR. JUSTICE BELL: How long do you think his evidence-in-chief
11 will take?
13 MR. RAMPTON: About an hour and 40 minutes, something like that.
15 MR. JUSTICE BELL: We will have a break then.
17 MR. MORRIS: Could we have a quarter of an hour?
19 MR. JUSTICE BELL: Something like that, yes.
21 MR. DAVID SEXTON, affirmed
22 Examined by Mr. Rampton, Q.C.
24 Q. Is your full name Dave Sexton?
25 A. It is, yes.
27 Q. Do you give your address as McDonald's Restaurants in East
28 Finchley?
29 A. That is right.
31 Q. What is your present position in the UK Company,
32 Mr. Sexton?
33 A. My official title is Regional Systems Implementer.
35 Q. What is a Regional Systems Implementer?
36 A. I go around restaurants in London and the South region
37 upgrading their PCs and training managers in how to use
38 them.
40 Q. DCs?
41 A. PCs -- computers.
43 Q. Yes, we know what those are. When were you appointed to
44 that post of Regional Systems Implementer for London and
45 the south?
46 A. About eight months ago.
48 Q. Can I ask you -- it is my fault, I should have mentioned
49 before -- to shout a bit more or speak a bit more loudly
50 than you normally would? If you make sure that I can hear
51 and everybody else will hear?
52 A. OK.
54 Q. About eight months ago?
55 A. Yes, about eight months.
57 Q. End of 1994?
58 A. Yes, that would be right.
60 Q. Towards the end of 1994. When did you first start working