Day 135 - 15 Jun 95 - Page 04
1 A. A very happy place.
3 Q. Were there other people of your sort of age working there?
4 A. There was people of my age, people studying in
5 college. There was also housewives as well, so it is
6 varying ages.
8 Q. Housewives?
9 A. Yes.
11 Q. Did these housewives have children ---
12 A. Yes.
14 Q. -- so for as you knew?
15 A. Yes.
17 Q. Did they seem to like working there or not?
18 A. Yes, they enjoyed it as well.
20 Q. Did you socialise outside working hours at all?
21 A. Yes, quite regularly. It used to be an in-thing on a
22 Saturday night for all the day crew to go out to the public
23 together.
25 Q. Do you have any complaints, grievances, discontents,
26 dissatisfactions, while you were working as a crew member
27 of Romford?
28 A. Not as a crew member, no.
30 Q. When you were Floor Manager at East Ham, I think you
31 stayed, did you, in that position for about eight years?
32 A. That is correct, yes.
34 Q. Until you became Second Assistant in 1987 and then
35 eventually, I think, you became Store Manager in East Ham
36 in 1988?
37 A. That is right, yes.
39 Q. During your time at East Ham -- I think it was before you
40 became the actual Store Manager -- probably during 1987 or
41 the end of 1986 onwards, do you remember a young man called
42 Peter Sutcliffe?
43 A. Yes, I remember him.
45 Q. He is supposed to be one of this galaxy of fans sitting
46 behind the Defendants.
48 MR. JUSTICE BELL: Do not put it that way.
50 MR. RAMPTON: I am sorry.
52 MR. JUSTICE BELL: I know no harm is meant but someone is going
53 to get fired up by ------
55 MR. RAMPTON: I will dowse the fire, my Lord.
56 (To the witness): Do you recognise him sitting here in
57 court?
58 A. Vaguely. I cannot obviously ----
60 MR. JUSTICE BELL: I think I can see -- can you put your hand