Day 148 - 05 Jul 95 - Page 05

     1        checking up quite a lot of previous evidence, which is a
     2        very long and arduous task, because it is all based upon
     3        evidence that has been given.
     5   MR. JUSTICE BELL:  I am not going to put you to going off at
     6        half cock on it, but what you must do is make sure that we
     7        fix one day for this.  You may not need the whole day, but
     8        we fix one day for this at least a week before the last
     9        Tuesday that we are going to sit, because I may be in a
    10        position to give an extempore judgment straightaway, but if
    11        I feel I need time to think about it I must have it.
    13        So, in fairness to yourself and Ms. Steel, I advise you --
    14        it is a matter for you but I advise you -- to come back to
    15        it not later than a week before the Tuesday in the last
    16        whole week of term.
    18   MR. MORRIS:  That is what I was going to say, that we would like
    19        a day fixed for amendments and, hopefully, the nutrition
    20        skeleton will be ready.  Then we can do those matters in
    21        the same day.  That might be quite a hefty day so,
    22        hopefully, it may need a day and a half or something.  It
    23        might be prudent.
    25   MR. RAMPTON:  My Lord, at the moment, since this affects
    26        scheduling, we have precisely after today 14 sitting days,
    27        up to and including 25th July.  We are presently able to
    28        fill every single one of those days probably with witnesses
    29        whom we have now notified which later on -- perhaps at the
    30        end of today -- I will tell your Lordship what the proposed
    31        schedule is, the order of the witnesses which I now have.
    32        Obviously, if a day is to be fixed for a further
    33        interlocutory hearing, I doubt whether we are going to
    34        finish all the other matters today ---
    36   MR. JUSTICE BELL:  That may be.
    38   MR. RAMPTON:  -- because there are some things I shall no doubt
    39        have to respond to.  It would help with our witnesses if
    40        your Lordship were to indicate, roughly speaking, or
    41        perhaps more than roughly speaking, which day or day and a
    42        half your Lordship would wish to set aside for further
    43        interlocutory hearings.  Can I, perhaps, do it this way and
    44        tell your Lordship now?  For want of anybody else, because
    45        we cannot find them, we propose to bring Mr. Alistair -----
    47   MR. MORRIS:  Can I just say, before we do the details, we have a
    48        thing to say about the scheduling of these witnesses before
    49        that matter is broached.  When Mr. Rampton gave his list of
    50        employment witnesses that he proposed to call between now 
    51        and the end of term -- I have not checked this -- from my 
    52        understanding, most of them are people that are either new 
    53        witnesses or ones that have made recent substantial
    54        supplementary statements.  None of those witnesses have we
    55        had a chance to -- as they are all witnesses that are
    56        responding to our witnesses, then it puts us to a
    57        disadvantage that we have not had time to contact our
    58        witnesses to see if they can comment.
    60        I do not know where that leaves us.  For example, Florence

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