Day 151 - 10 Jul 95 - Page 08
1 people have a 40 year work experience, all the young people
2 that work at McDonald's, tens of thousands of them every
3 year, just do not come back when they get older, even
4 though it is such a thrilling experience?
5 A. Once again, I must say it depends in the context in
6 which they join us. If they are join us as part-time
7 students, I would love them to come back, but I would not
8 expect them to. They may well have degrees or studies
9 which make them far more qualified to become doctors,
10 physicians, or whatever else it can be.
12 Q. Are you saying the majority of McDonald's workers, the
13 majority of your 30,000 employees, currently, will get
14 degrees?
15 A. I never said that at all. I said if they were students
16 -----
18 Q. What about the majority who do not get degrees who remain
19 in need of money for their 40 years of working life and who
20 do not come back to McDonald's; how can you explain that
21 then?
22 A. Are you saying people who leave voluntarily or
23 involuntarily, then?
25 MR. JUSTICE BELL: When you say you are not aware of anyone
26 returning to McDonald's after a three year gap, are you
27 saying positively no one does, or just you are not aware of
28 it?
29 A. My personal knowledge is that I know of no one who has
30 come back. I cannot speak for the rest of them.
32 Q. If it be the case that someone has come to McDonald's as a
33 first job ---
34 A. Right.
36 Q. -- but it is the only job they have got, it is a full-time
37 job, it is their only source of income; they leave
38 McDonald's, they do not come back. You are being asked
39 what conclusion you draw from that, if indeed you feel able
40 to draw any conclusion. Mr. Morris is suggesting it is
41 because they must have found something better; and that
42 that is not difficult, he would suggest, because of the
43 rates of pay and conditions. That is what is being put to
44 you.
45 A. I find it very difficult to draw conclusions if there
46 are no facts. The facts of the matter need to be --
47 whether or not that person leaves after one day or leaves
48 after one year or one month. They may well, in terms of
49 personal satisfaction, find a job that pays more, maybe in
50 a different part of the area; maybe their spouse has had to
51 relocate. I cannot draw any firm conclusions unless I know
52 specifically what facts you wish me to evaluate.
54 MR. MORRIS: The fact is, in your experience, you have never
55 come across anybody who returned after a three year gap?
56 A. Well, if that is a personal failing -----
58 Q. You are a person who has great experience, is in touch with
59 the grass roots, who is continuously concerned about
60 operational and personal matters and whatever, has given