Day 152 - 11 Jul 95 - Page 20
2 Q. If only ten of those 62 worked 20 hours a week you would
3 have 140 hours left for 52 part-timers on your payroll.
5 MR. MORRIS: 42.
7 MR. JUSTICE BELL: 140 for 52 part-timers on your payroll. So
8 they are working on average two and a half hours a week.
9 Again, it is suggested -- I am not doing this to challenge
10 you.
11 A. No, sir, I understand.
13 Q. But what Ms. Steel is saying, the conclusion she is
14 inviting is that you have a lot of people on the payroll
15 who, from week to week, are doing precious little hours or
16 are not performing at all?
17 A. That is not the case. Again, I know if we take a very
18 basic premise that a full-timer is at 39, but in terms of a
19 part-timer, maybe only on a Tuesday -- I know we are going
20 back into numbers here again -- but in terms of the way
21 I would look at it from 12 years of experience it would
22 suggest that I could allocate sufficient hours for these
23 people; otherwise, I think, if they only had two hours
24 I would presume maybe they would not feel it worth
25 working. I certainly do not think that there is any sort
26 of need to say that there are maybe 10 or 15 people who are
27 kept on the payroll. That would be in nobody's interests.
29 MR. JUSTICE BELL: What I suggest is you pause there and leave
30 your cross-examination there because your point has been
31 put there. I have taken your point on board. Experience
32 has taught me that when one starts doing arithmetic
33 impromptu, sometimes it turns out to be a good point and
34 sometimes there is an explanation that no-one actually ever
35 thinks of, and while it is being canvassed impromptu in
36 court, so you have put your point and the arithmetic has
37 been put. I suggest we just wait and see what happens, but
38 I do not think you have to ask any more questions at this
39 stage about it.
41 MS. STEEL: Would you admit that there were any people
42 remaining on the payroll for considerable periods of time
43 that were not working on a regular basis, maybe working an
44 occasional Saturday, you know, when you had somebody not
45 turning up, you had got a reserve pool of people?
46 A. In Leicester, no, not to my recollection.
48 Q. Just going back to Colchester and Clacton, you were saying
49 something about not taking a whole load of people on in a
50 rush; you try to make it a regular build up?
51 A. For Clacton, yes.
53 Q. Clacton. That was not for Colchester?
54 A. No, it was not. It was Clacton in anticipation of
55 summer business, that is right, but not Colchester.
57 Q. OK. So at Colchester sometimes you took on five, 10 people
58 on one week and then ---
59 A. No, absolutely not.