Day 156 - 17 Jul 95 - Page 05
1 discretion. My policy was to be flexible because
2 I appreciated that if someone was working hard on a grill
3 or fry station they would need a drinks break." Why,
4 particularly, if someone was working hard on a grill or fry
5 station?
6 A. I just used that as part of the statement. You know,
7 in actual fact, it is anywhere -- every area was entitled
8 to drinks breaks.
10 Q. But why particularly on a grill or fry station? Is that
11 because they are particularly hot environments?
12 A. Yes, I used that as the example in this statement, but
13 the general rule is that everyone is entitled to it.
15 MS. STEEL: If employees worked over nine hours they would get
16 two breaks, would they not?
17 A. Yes.
19 Q. Under nine hours it would be one break?
20 A. Yes.
22 Q. I just wanted to clarify on the food allowance, which
23 I think you said in your statement that was not quite so
24 clear in your evidence-in-chief, is that it was one
25 sandwich that the crew were entitled to?
26 A. Yes, any sandwich, yes.
28 Q. Any one sandwich?
29 A. That is correct.
31 Q. One portion of fries, one drink and one dessert?
32 A. That is correct, yes.
34 Q. Do you remember a time when it was two sandwiches?
35 A. No.
37 Q. You do not remember that?
38 A. No.
40 Q. Is that possible? You just do not remember at all?
41 A. No, as far as I am aware, from the moment I went into
42 the restaurant that was my policy.
44 Q. If someone took a break when they had not been told to go
45 on a break, what would happen?
46 A. I could not answer that because it has never happened.
47 They are briefed on orientations. They are briefed in
48 their three weeks probation. No-one would just leave the
49 floor.
51 Q. But you said that the staff were asked to go on a break;
52 they were not told when to go for their breaks?
53 A. That is correct.
55 Q. Supposing they said to you: "Well, I do not want to go
56 now", and then they took their break later, what would
57 happen then?
58 A. It would not be a problem. You would get the next
59 person to go on a break and then, eventually, when the
60 first person who did not want to go on break initially