Day 163 - 25 Sep 95 - Page 05

     1   MR. MORRIS:  I was going to refer to them, to point out to the
     2        court how they had circulated a document which they could
     3        not distinguish from the London Greenpeace text complained
     4        of, and that they would continue to circulate that
     5        document.  The actual argument about the headings I was
     6        going to come to after that.  If you note -----
     8   MR. JUSTICE BELL:  My point is this:  Let us suppose you are
     9        right in your summary at the moment -- we might have to
    10        look at the evidence to see whether you are -- suppose that
    11        what I am putting to you is, suppose Mr. Beavers and
    12        Mr. Preston had said:  "Yes, a document which McDonald's
    13        published says the same thing or much the same thing as
    14        those three lines of text", that is only part of the
    15        leaflet.  That is what I am putting to you.
    17   MR. MORRIS:  That is the part of the leaflet which we are saying
    18        cannot be defamatory or their claim cannot win on that.
    20   MR. JUSTICE BELL:  Then go back to what I said a moment ago: You
    21        do not just look at a part of leaflet; you look at the
    22        whole of it.  You look at the Arches, you look at the
    23        headline, you look at the text, you look at the cartoon and
    24        then decide what they mean all together.
    26   MR. MORRIS:  I was going to come to the Charleston case after
    27        explaining how we feel, that the Plaintiffs already
    28        conceded the distribution of the equivalent material.  Then
    29        the argument purely remains a matter of meaning and the
    30        headlines which then we go through Charleston.  If you
    31        note, the last point in the application, point 7, is an
    32        alternative application that the links between diet and
    33        ill-health have been established in terms of they are not
    34        an issue in the case because of the Plaintiffs' own
    35        distribution, then the argument merely becomes a legal one
    36        over interpretation of Charleston.  But there should not be
    37        a need to call further evidence and plough through dozens
    38        of days of transcripts.
    40   MR. JUSTICE BELL:  Just think about this situation and tell me
    41        if I am wrong in this analysis:  You could only succeed on
    42        this application if it were quite clear that the Plaintiffs
    43        could not possibly succeed on this part of the case, that
    44        is, that they could not show a defamatory meaning of the
    45        leaflet in relation to nutrition which you could not
    46        justify; put another way, that any defamatory meaning which
    47        this leaflet has was patently justified on the evidence so
    48        far.
    50        The first stage is to know what the meaning of the leaflet 
    51        is; not what two or three lines mean, what the whole 
    52        leaflet means.  So you have to start, do you not, by 
    53        telling me what you say the meaning of the leaflet is and
    54        arguing what the meaning of the leaflet is.  Then we can
    55        see whether, as you contend, Mr. Beavers and Mr. Preston
    56        have admitted that that meaning is true.  Is that a fair
    57        analysis?
    59   MR. MORRIS:  That is one course to go down, to have an argument
    60        over the meaning and a ruling on the meaning at this stage

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