Day 163 - 25 Sep 95 - Page 17
1 City edition of News Day, it says: "The City Health
2 Department cited 31 food establishments last week for
3 health code violations." Then, presumably, there were 31
4 different food establishments. The relevant one is the
5 McDonald's. "The Department also conducted final
6 inspections at these establishments and allowed them to
7 reopen." This is a theme throughout the document.
9 MR. JUSTICE BELL: Yes. That is the first mention of
10 McDonald's, Dyckman Street, is it?
12 MR. MORRIS: Yes.
14 MR. JUSTICE BELL: It is not mentioned in the first paragraph.
16 MR. MORRIS: Yes. Going through the document, what they do is
17 they obviously do some kind of weekly reports on food
18 violations which are either that a company was cited for
19 food violation, or it was allowed to reopen having been
20 cited the week before or whenever.
22 MR. JUSTICE BELL: Let us suppose that is right for the moment,
23 but where do you get your closed for violations, mouse
24 droppings, and things like that?
26 MR. MORRIS: Yes, sorry. If we look at page 4, in fact it is
27 page 4 of the fax, in the top right-hand corner also, we
28 have: "McDonald's, Dyckman Street, mouse droppings, boxes
29 on floor, doors not flushed with floor, inadequate".
30 Something, which I put down as "and other matters".
32 MR. JUSTICE BELL: I cannot see anything after "inadequate".
34 MR. MORRIS: Yes, that is right, because the printout that I got
35 did not contain anything further, but what I have done in
36 the pleading is just put "and other matters" which the
37 Plaintiffs, of course, would know about. That was printed
38 in the New York Times, if you look on the previous page,
39 January 17th, 1988.
41 MR. JUSTICE BELL: You accept that the Neill LJ test is the one
42 which applies, the one which I applied to Brazilian beef
43 when you wanted to amend about that, do you?
45 MR. MORRIS: That we have a reasonable belief that these are
46 true, yes.
48 MR. JUSTICE BELL: No. You believe them to be true and that you
49 have reasonable evidence to support them or reasonable
50 grounds for supposing that sufficient evidence to prove
51 them is available or will become so.
53 MR. MORRIS: Yes. The Plaintiffs will know the truth of these
54 or not; it is a simple matter.
56 MR. JUSTICE BELL: Tell me what your evidence is. I am not
57 challenging you. I am just trying to encourage you to
58 develop your argument.
60 MR. MORRIS: I believe that any responsible company, if they