Day 164 - 26 Sep 95 - Page 02

     1                                 Tuesday, 26th September 1995.
     3   MR. JUSTICE BELL:  Yes?
     5   MR. MORRIS:  The first thing I wanted to bring up today was that
     6        you wanted some guidance on where to put the documents
     7        which I had served yesterday.
     9   MR. JUSTICE BELL:  Yes.
    11   MR. MORRIS:  I have written suggestions.  I am not sure exactly
    12        the filing system that you have.
    14   MR. JUSTICE BELL:  Let me just have a look.
    16   MR. MORRIS:  I do not know -- I think I have a spare one for the
    17        Plaintiffs as well.  Shall I just read them out?  The
    18        document No. 3, violations of child labour laws, the
    19        Defendants' employment documents, extra additional lists,
    20        which was, I think, compiled earlier on this year.  That
    21        was a separate file.  Do you recall that?
    23   MR. JUSTICE BELL:  It went in a kingfisher blue bundle, did it?
    25   MR. MORRIS:  I do not know the colour.  I believe it is not one
    26        of the original supplementary lists before the case; it was
    27        one that begun -- if you remember it had -----
    29   MR. JUSTICE BELL:  Let us just go through them now and what I
    30        will do when I have a moment is I will have a search and if
    31        I cannot find the bundles I will tell you.  While we are
    32        speaking of this, there is a pile of documents here; some
    33        of them are plans which will stay loose, but others are
    34        documents which I have been handed at various times and
    35        have not immediately gone into bundles.  So at some stage
    36        I would like a check made to see whether, in fact, they
    37        should go into one bundle or another or, indeed, they have
    38        already gone in because after being handed an initial copy
    39        a subsequent one has been stowed away in a proper place.
    41        What I suggest is if perhaps someone could bear in mind if
    42        we have an early day some day to stay behind for half an
    43        hour, go through them and just see what is there.  I think
    44        you will find that some of them have been put away in
    45        bundles, but it will take me a phenominal time to check
    46        myself.
    48   MR. RAMPTON:  Is your Lordship speaking of the documents which
    49        we disclosed?
    51   MR. JUSTICE BELL:  No, because I think those have been dealt 
    52        with.  Mrs. Brinley-Codd wrote out a list and said where 
    53        they should go and Mr. Dudley has had that.  Those have
    54        accumulated over the last 16 months.
    56   MR. RAMPTON:  Then somebody had better sort them out.
    58   MR. JUSTICE BELL:  You want me to add Mr. Dudley Boyden as an
    59        employment -----

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